liii. Messy Feelings

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lii. Messy Feelings

Dressed in a white hoodie, some sweatpants, and his black Adidas shoes, Percy walked to Goode High School and already could imagine himself waiting outside for Elle or Annabeth—whoever arrived first then they would go inside and waited for the ano...

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Dressed in a white hoodie, some sweatpants, and his black Adidas shoes, Percy walked to Goode High School and already could imagine himself waiting outside for Elle or Annabeth—whoever arrived first then they would go inside and waited for the another person.

His eyes widened in surprise when he saw Elle already sitting on the bench, dressed in her jeans, a blue knitted sweater, black coat with her hair in a bun, and the girl flashed him a smile and waved at him.

"Good morning, Elle," Percy sat down beside her, "You're here early! What a surprise!"

"Yes, it is!" Elle chuckled then smiled, "You look cute, Percy! Gosh, your hair is so fluffy! I just wanted to—"

Before Percy could even say anything—or even react, Elle had leaned close to him that their lips may have brushed and ran her fingers through his jet black hair, messing with it.

"I'm so sorry!" Elle's eyes widened, realizing what she was doing. "I didn't mean to, Percy—"

"Oh, it's fine," reassured Percy sheepishly. "Don't—Don't worry about it."

Their faces were reddened and they were flustered and he hoped no one paid any attention to them because if they did, it looked bad. Gosh, if what just happened somehow got Annabeth??

It felt weird when Elle ran her fingers through his hair because Annabeth was usually the one who would mess with his hair and the red-haired girl was clearly not his girlfriend.

Percy then looked at Elle when she gasped and her dark brown eyes widened.

"I'm-I'm sorry, Percy," stammered Elle. "I-I have to go."

Percy didn't have time to respond as Elle quickly walked away and Annabeth then walked up to him.

His sea-green eyes widened and Annabeth raised an eyebrow. Oh gosh, did she see Elle running her fingers through his hair?

"Hey, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth then frowned. "You alright? You seemed flustered by something-your cheeks are crimson."

"Oh, um, it's just the cold," Percy answered quickly, trying to ignore how loud and hard his heart was. "I've been waiting outside for a long time."

"Aw, you poor little Seaweed Brain," chuckled Annabeth, "Why didn't you go inside with Elle? She was just talking to you right?

Percy nodded with a blush and sheepishly shrugged. "I wanted to wait for you, wise girl."

A small grin formed on Annabeth's face; she cupped his face and planted a bunch of kisses on his cheek, causing him to blush, and she pulled away, with smirk.

"You better?"

Percy's face burned from the warmth and he nodded and watched as Annabeth frowned at him and messed with his hair.

"Seaweed Brain, your hair is so messy than usual What happened? The wind?"

"Yes, the wind," he nodded, grateful that it was a windy day.

Annabeth nodded then intertwined their fingers together and they headed inside.

An overwhelming amount of guilt consumed him as he looked at Annabeth and she smiled at him.

"What's wrong, Percy?"

"Nothing," he mustered a small smile, "Everything is okay."

Unfortunately, he and Elle were seated next to each other in sociology—like Aphrodite was toying with him (which she was)—and he could feel Elle staring at him.

However, all he could think about was how he had lied to Annabeth this morning when she asked him about his reddened cheeks and, he replied with the cold. Maybe the cold did make his cheeks red, but it was mostly because of...

"Percy?" he turned to look at Elle and she bit her lips and sheepishly said, "I hope I didn't make anything weird between us..."

"Oh, no," Percy shook his head and reassured. "You didn't-don't worry, Elle."

Percy wasn't really upset with Elle that she ran her fingers through his hair, merely confused by the action (he guessed the girl she just wanted to touch his hair—Annabeth had also wanted to do that).

"Are you sure?" asked Elle quietly. "Because it's fine if you don't want to be—"

"No, no, it's fine," nodded Percy. "You didn't make anything weird between us, I promise."

A small smile formed on Elle's face and she blushed, "Thank you, Percy, you know that I would never come between you and Annabeth."

"I know, Elle," Said Percy. "I don't think you're that kind of person, Elle."

"I'm not, I promise."

Percy only half-smiled at Elle.

The school day was soon over and Percy headed home alone (Annabeth had a art club meeting) and the cold wind greeted him as he left. However, he paused, hearing his name being called, and turned to look behind him. A familiar red-head chased after him.

"Percy!" yelled Elle. "Wait!"

"What's up?" Percy raised an eyebrow when Elle finally caught up with him.

When the girl finally caught her breath, Elle looked up and sheepishly smiled, "I was wondering can we walk home today? I don't want you to be alone: you told me that Annabeth is attending a club meeting."

A small smile formed on his face, "Sure, that sounds fun."

Elle smiled and they began walking. Their laughter were muffled by the noisy Manhattan afternoon and wide grins formed on their faces as they chatted and joked.

He gazed at Elle and his smile softened. This felt nice.

[originally published on 1/22/21.]

[1/22/21] author's note! Ahh, I miss you guys so much and I hope you guys are doing amazing!! If you wondering, I'm doing good from my week at school though I'm quite tired! Anyway, as promised, this is a percelle chapter and I bet you guys had a ~blast~ reading this chapter! But don't worry, there is one more percy's pov and percelle chapter that I think you guys will ✨love✨ then it's an Annabeth's chapter! Like I said before, I miss you so much—I love you guys!! Thank you for reading and have a good day/night! Much Love, Lucinda! 💙

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