xxv. Best Friend

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xxv. Best Friend

It was Saturday night and Annabeth laid in her bed whilst finishing 'The Titan's Curse' of the demigod series she had discovered at the New York Public Library on her girl's day with Estelle

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It was Saturday night and Annabeth laid in her bed whilst finishing 'The Titan's Curse' of the demigod series she had discovered at the New York Public Library on her girl's day with Estelle. She currently felt empty from crying over Zöe Nightshade's death and carefully placed the book away then got ready for bed.

Dressed in Percy's mint hoodie (that she had kept) and shorts, she got into her bed and started reading Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood when her phone rang and a smile formed on her face, seeing the caller ID.

"Hey, Thalia!" exclaimed Annabeth, "How are you!?"

She met Thalia Grace during her freshman year and they became best friends ever since. Thalia was two years older than her and studied psychology in university as a underclassman (she was also Jason's older sister—their parents had divorced when they were young and Jason lived with their mom in NYC while Thalia stayed with their dad).

"I'm doing okay? I'm on Thanksgiving break now so that's good! But when break is over, I have a lot of stupid exams to take and I really just contemplating about dropping out."

Annabeth laughed, "I know it's sucks, but when your exams are over, you'll be spending your winter break here in NYC with me! So, that's exciting, isn't it?"

"Yes, definitely," she could hear Thalia smiling, "I can't wait to see you again—I miss you, Annabeth."

"I miss you too," Annabeth beamed, "What day are you coming to NYC?"

"December 10th," answered Thalia, then asked, "Anyways, how are you? How's school going? Are you on thanksgiving break?

"Yes, I am. I'm doing alright? I'm just mentally and physically exhausted. I have too much schoolwork and assessments—but then again, I am taking all AP classes...I guess, school's going okay."

"Mhm. How are you and your lover boy? Is he doing good?" Annabeth immediately blushed at Thalia's words.

"Percy is doing good. We're also doing good. We went on a date today—we haven't really spent much time together with his swim practice, schoolwork, etc."

"Where did you guys go?"

"We went to Greenwich Village, bought some stuff from the holiday market, ate some Magnolia's seasonal banana pudding, and watched the Radio City Christmas Spectacular: Radio City Rockettes which was amazing!!"

"Aw, that's sounds fun! I'm glad you're having fun in Manhattan, Annabeth," Thalia exclaimed then she asked in a serious tone, "Have you told Percy about your parents?"

Annabeth's smile faltered, "No, I have not."  

"Annabeth, you told me that you would—" Annabeth could tell Thalia was frowning.

"I know, I know," she bit her lips then ranted, "I just can't! I can't bring myself to tell him that Helen and my dad disapproved of our relationship! It will break his heart! And I don't want to make him sad. Also, what if...what if he wants to break up with me when he finds out??! I don't want to lose someone so goddamn precious because of my parents' dumb rules."

Annabeth then sighed, "You probably guessed but I haven't told my parents either. Because I feared that if they know, they'll make me break up with him. God, there's possibility that I'll end up single if one or both of them knows."

"I..." Thalia hesitated, "It's better to tell them both, Annabeth, before they both find out and it's going to hurt them that you were lying to them. From what you told me about Percy, it seems very softhearted and I think he'll understand your situation—I mean, not every parent is going to like their kid dating—and hopefully you'll find a solution beside breaking up. As for your dad and Helen, they cared for you, don't they? They might disapprove of you and Percy's relationship now, but if you perhaps talk to them and show/tell them how happy Percy makes you and hopefully they'll be more...accepting."

Annabeth stayed quiet, comprehending what Thalia had said, then half-smiled, imagining her dad and Helen's acceptance and Percy's precious grin.

"Hopefully. I-I will tell them both on Friday. I don't think it'll be good to telling them on Thanksgiving," she softly smiled, "Thank you, Thals."

"Of course. Tell me how it goes. Hope it goes well."

"Me too."

"Okay! Now, I need to tell you about this gorgeous girl I met the another day...!" Thalia exclaimed and Annabeth laughed.

[formerly titled Kill My Time && originally published on 11/21/20 && named after one of my favorite nct dream b-side!!!]

[11/21/20] author's note! I wonder what's going to happen tomorrow...I wouldn't know ;) I hope everyone had a good Saturday and wish everyone a good night/day! :) I'm going to keep this short but don't hate me too much for the upcoming chapters-Much love, Lucinda! 💙

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