xxxvi. When I'm with You

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xxxvi. When I'm with You

After school, Annabeth and Percy cuddled on his bedroom with his chin on her shoulder and his arms wrapped around her waist; she bit back her grin as he kissed her neck and they continued studying

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After school, Annabeth and Percy cuddled on his bedroom with his chin on her shoulder and his arms wrapped around her waist; she bit back her grin as he kissed her neck and they continued studying.

While the sunset occurred, Percy nudged Annabeth and asked her whether or not they should start to make dinner (Sally and Paul went out to eat at their old college friends' places and brought Estelle and Mrs. O'Leary with them) and Annabeth agreed—which is how she and Percy were dancing in the kitchen with the refrigerator light on.

As Percy waltzed her around, her heart fluttered and Annabeth softly smiled, lovingly gazing at her lover.

Even though Annabeth was just dressed in one of Percy's hoodie and shorts, she felt like a princess who had the greatest treasure in the world—Percy's love.

When Lover by Taylor Swift was over, they kissed and pulled away with smiles on their faces. Though they didn't say I love you out loud, their expressions spoke everything they needed to know.

"What should we make for dinner?" asked Annabeth quietly, not wanting to disturb their serenity, "What would you like?"

"Hmm, spaghetti?" suggested Percy then chuckled, "What if we just order take out and call it a night?"

"I...I think that's a good idea," beamed Annabeth, "Let's watch Lovestruck in the City while we eat."

"That sounds good," he then chuckled, "Doesn't that describes us?—Lovestruck in the City?"

"Yes, it does, but it's now love in the city, not lovestruck," Annabeth softly smiled, "Now, what you want to eat?"

"You," he smirked.

Her eyes fluttered shut as Percy kissed her deeply and picked her up—her legs and arms immediately wrapping around him—and carried her to his bedroom.

After a good, long make out session, they ordered some pizzas and sodas and watched the second-last episode of Lovestruck in the City. She began crying in Percy's arms as the main characters confessed to one another about their feelings.

"I fell in love with you ever since that night on the beach. I dunno why, but I just did. You looked so beautiful underneath the moonlight and I just felt so happy being with you even though we didn't say anything...I just knew you're the one. I love you, why can't you love me?"

"I do love you. I really do. But we're just not meant to be. Maybe, in another lifetime, we would be together, but not this one. You deserve someone better."

When they finished watching last episode and the ending credits rolled, she was in tears. The main characters didn't end up together and Annabeth was heartbroken.

"I'm sorry," she chuckled, wiping her tears, "I'm just...they should have ended up together, Percy! They should got married and had kids! They love each other! They are soulmates!"

"They should've," he softly agreed.

Annabeth then sighed and leaned back against Percy on his bed, "I hate that it's so realistic, Percy—how even though you genuinely love someone, you guys sometimes aren't meant to be."

Her heart sank, thinking about Percy and her's relationship, and she bit her lips, eyes flickering.

"Do you want to read?" he suggested, "I was hoping we could read False God by Lucinda L.—the book that you found interesting when we were at the library."

"Sure," Annabeth half-smiled, knowing that Percy was trying to distract her from those worrying thoughts.

Mid-way reading False God, Percy had fell asleep on her lap (he had mentioned how exhausted he was earlier); Annabeth softly smiled, gently ran her fingers through his soft hair and kissed his forehead.

"You know how in Lovestruck in the City, they told each other when they fell in love with one another, right?" Annabeth asked even though she knew Percy wouldn't hear her, "I think I fell in love with you the day we went to Randalls and Wards Islands. I don't know why, but I just took one look at you and was like: fuck, I love you."

[originally published on 12/3/20 && formerly tilted With You.]

[if you didn't know, Lovestruck in the City is an actual tv show—however the ending written here is  different from the actual.]

[this might be second favorite chapter after Princess of New York: it's so cute :).]

[12/3/20] author's note! I must admit- I was lowkey scared that there wasn't going to be an update up tonight because I had already rewrote this chapter like three times and I started it very late but luckily, it's here!! The first draft of this chapter was angsty and the second draft was very sad and depressing-but don't worry, I'm planning to use the second draft as a future chapter ;) Anyways, I hope everyone had a good Thursday! Thank you for reading and have a good day/night! Till next time-Much Love, Lucinda! 💙

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