xx. Love Talk

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xx. Love Talk

Annabeth was home alone for the evening and she briefly mentioned it to Percy; now, he was coming over to her apartment to hang out which she was perfectly fine, but the short notice had left her scrambling to clean the apartment and her bedroom a...

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Annabeth was home alone for the evening and she briefly mentioned it to Percy; now, he was coming over to her apartment to hang out which she was perfectly fine, but the short notice had left her scrambling to clean the apartment and her bedroom and worried that someone might come home early than expected.

Annabeth tried to distract herself from her worries by making sure she look decent then working on her English paper while listening to Red Velvet (the girl group).

The door bell rang a little while later; she checked her phone to see a message from Percy and before opening the door. Annabeth smiled at Percy who kissed her forehead then walked inside and headed to the kitchen.

"You bought your backpack?" she looked at him with surprise.

"Yes," he explained, "You said you were working on your English paper and I don't want to bother you so I bought my homework to work on. I also have to work on my history paper—this can be a study date, Annabeth."

They sat down at the kitchen counter and a soft smile formed on Annabeth's face, "I like that, it sounds very cute."

Within the next hour, Annabeth finished writing her  English paper and happily sighed when she did while  Percy beamed and congratulated her with a kiss.

"Do you want to watch some Netflix?" he suggested, closing his laptop, "I'm not done with my paper, but I need a break so..."

"Sure! That sounds good," she beamed then asked, "Can we watch it in my bedroom? I want to lay down on something comfy."

"Yeah, sure," he nodded.

They headed to her bedroom and for some reason, her heart raced, thinking about how Percy and her alone in her bedroom, and she quickly discarded the amorous thoughts. She hopped onto her bed and watched as he curiously gazed around her bedroom then blushed when he saw at her baby pictures.

"You were a really cute kid," he softly smiled at her, sitting beside her.

"Thanks," she chuckled, opening up Netflix on her browser, "What do you want to watch? Gilmore Girls? Bridgerton? Grey's Anatomy? Sex Education?"

"Hmm, I don't mind anything," he responded.

Intrigued by the description, they decided to watch Lovestruck in the City and snuggled as they did. However, by the third episode, they had found something more interesting than the tv show—each other's bodies.

Their moans and grunts filled the room, their clothes were scattered on the floor, their hair were tousled, their chest covered with love bites, and they stained her bedsheets. After they reached their climax, they laid in bed til Helen called her that she was coming home; they quickly cleaned up and got dressed, not wanting to be caught naked.

Percy was about to go home when it began pouring outside and instead of making her boyfriend get drenched, they decided to extend their study date (as they wasted two hours watching tv and...) and finish their schoolwork.

They then glanced up from their laptops, hearing the front door open, and her heart anxiously raced when she realized her dad was home from work. Her dad's eyes widened in surprise, seeing Percy and her at the kitchen counter.

"Hey, Annabeth, I didn't know you invited Percy over...What are you guys working on?"

"I was just editing my paper and Percy just finished writing his," she explained.

"Ah, ok," Frederick nodded, "So, this was like a study hangout?"

"Yes," Annabeth reassured and glanced at Percy who sheepishly smiled.

"Well then, are you going to stay for dinner, Percy?" Frederick asked with a smile, "It's lasagna for dinner."

"Uh, it's fine, thank you though," declined Percy, "My mom has dinner ready at home and I should probably go—has it stopped raining?"

"Somewhat, it's sprinkling now," Frederick then asked, "So, tell me, Percy, what's your paper about? What's the topic? Annabeth already talked to me about hers."

"Well, I'm writing about the economic inequalities in the US and how it impacts our society," he answered, packing up his stuff.

"Sounds interesting," Frederick nodded then asked, "How are you doing in your classes? Do you have a favorite class?"

"Good," Percy answered, "I really like environmental science. It's very fun."

"Well, I'm glad you're enjoying it," Frederick half-smiled, "Well, I'm going to make dinner now."

Annabeth then walked him to the front door after Percy finished packing; her eyes widened as he kissed her forehead goodbye and left. She quickly looked at her dad who was too busy preparing for lasagna and she sighed in relief.

"It seems like you and Percy are very close, but remember you can't date, Annabeth. You'll be distracted from schoolwork."

"I-I know."

[formerly tilted as (Love) Letters && originally published on 11/9/20.]

[11/9/20] author's note! um surprise!! I'm posting on a Monday which is very weird for me but I had some time and I was very keen on writing this chapter so it's here!!! A bit of fluff here and there! It was mostly a chill chapter besides the ending-but don't worry, it's going to be fine-mostly 🙃 I love you guys and till next time! Much love, Lucinda! ✨💙

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