Christmas special

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I posted this late because I wanted to spend time with my family for Christmas :)

Russia POV 

Me and Ame thought it would be a good idea for our families to meet. So we decided to force them to bond at Christmas. U.N obviously didn't care about Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or any other celebrations since he didn't really have a culture. So, him not caring about holidays made our meeting on the afternoon of Christmas Eve.

"France stop online shopping" U.N said glaring at her. She jumped and dropped her phone.

"America dont act like your not shopping I see your account active on Amazon."

"Now your using GoGaurdian!?" Meri exclaimed. (If you don't know what GoGaurdian is it's an app that teachers use to monitor their students)

"Like Mother like Son" Britain said sipping his steaming tea.

"How do you not get burned, isn't that to hot?" Brazil asked.

"Quiet! let me enjoy this before I have to spend money on gifts for 50 grandchildren, a bunch of of allies and 5 family members!" The tea obsessed country said angrily.

"That's tough buddy" Ireland said.

"Christmas is for stupid people, Hanukkah is way better" Israel said.

Everyone stared at Israel for a few seconds and then went back to fighting.


I stood up to go to where me and Ame had agreed to meet up. I walked to the far side of the parking lot. It was a perfect spot for unauthorized trades since U.N hadn't thought of putting a security camera there. America was leaning on the wall playing on his phone.

"Whatcha playin?" I asked looking on his phone.

"Among us, what else? Fortnite?"

"Why did you stop playing Fortnite anyway?" I asked out of curiosity.

"The floss got old and people who played it were always trying to hard to be "cool". It started to get annoying so I stopped playing" He said not looking up from his phone.

"So are we gonna go over the plan or?" 

"DANG IT, I GOT KILLED" Ame yelled, he was about to throw his phone on the ground but I stopped him.

"I don't think throwing your phone will make you win" I told him while holding his suspended phone above him.

"Gimme it back!" He yelled trying to grab it from my hand.

"Can I have a kiss if give it back?" I said smirking.

"Smooth Rus, but I ain't kissing a phone stealer" He then kicked me hard on the leg making me fall over. He then caught his phone and started checking it for cracks.

"How did you push me over?" I asked.

"Honey, I was able to defeat a global superpower in rags. You think I can't stop someone from stealing my phone?" Ame said smirking.

I then kicked him causing him to fall over on me.

"Now will you give me a kiss?" I asked smirking again.

America POV 

I struggled and tried to escape his grasp but it was worthless.

"Do you think I'd let a country that's not even half as big as me beat me?" He said.

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