"Why are you so Romantic?"

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America POV

I woke up to Hawaii jumping on my bed.

"Ugggggghhhhhh" I groaned 

"Sorry Meri!" Ukraine said.

"We need to get you up for your date!" Ukraine yelled.

Time skip~

" I am not wearing this" I said looking at the outfit.

(How I imagine the outfit , yes I got it from google)

(How I imagine the outfit , yes I got it from google)

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"Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaaseeeeee" Ukraine begged.

"I love you Ukraine, but no" I answered.

After multiple outfits we finally found "The One"

"It's perfect!" Ukraine said.

"It's fits you perfectly!"

I looked at the large clock on my wall. 


Ukraine had seen the clock too. " You need to go!"

Russia POV 

I've been awake for a while. I didn't sleep much last night due to me stressing over me an Meri's "date". Me and Ame are going to meet at the front of our building/headquarters  (place where their meetings are).

I nervously fixed my Ushanka and put my black leather jacket that had a fur collar. I got in my car and started to drive to headquarters. 

I finally arrived and started playing on my phone.

I checked the time.


I started to get nervous thinking he wouldn't come.


I perked up and saw a flag with Stars and Stripes.

It was Puerto Rico

😂 I'm sorry I couldn't resist 

I saw America.

"I'm sorry if I made you think I wasn't coming!"

"You look nice..." I said awkwardly.

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