Somethings up

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France POV 

UN had called an emergency meeting 5 minutes ago. Meaning get your French, British, Russian, Brazilian, whatever butt into the office within in 5-10 minuets. I was in the area buying groceries so I was one of the first so I obviously felt proud.        (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ <—— most accurate drawing of how she felt.

"Thank you France for coming here so quickly" UN said formally.

"Your welcome"I said back.

I took a seat and started fiddling with my cheesy heart necklace Britain had got me. For all boys most girls hate heart shaped necklace but we like the feeling that he cares. More countries started pouring into the room. A while later everyone was inside except America.

"Where's America?" Italy asked.

"Well thats what we're talking about" UN said.

UN reached over to the TV remote and turned on the map. The map has basically everybody's stuff on it. Like if somebody is overpopulated then they will get the overpopulated symbol on their country. You can update whenever you want. But America had a lock on his. 

"America has gone on full lockdown for no reason, and without informing anyone" UN said.

"What if something really serious is happening?" Uruguay asked.

"What if it's a killer disease that gets spread to us!" Mexico said.

"Quiet please!" UN said angrily.

"I'm still doing research but-" 

UNs phone dinged, he got up to check it. He immediately looked shocked.

"My phone was searching medical records and it just told me that one of his kids is in intensive care from an unknown disease" UN said.

I heard gasps from most of the countries.

"So there is a disease?" Philippines asked.

We all stared at Phil.

"Jeez, I'm sorry I was just wondering..."

"Try to get in contact with him please" UN said.

"Meeting dismissed until further notice, and you can have a free lunch, I don't care" UN said.

We all left the room and went to the cafeteria/break room. Everyone was talking, this hasn't happened in years. But the first person I decided to talk to was Russia. It's obvious that he likes my eagle obsessed son.

"Hello Russia" I said while sitting across from him. I looked at Japan and Ukraine, they were trying to comfort him. I glared at them again and Japan nodded and took Ukraine away.

"Russia, are you worried about my Meri?" I said in my most comforting and motherly tone.

"No, why would I?" Russia said not looking up from his free meal.

"When I was in love, with Ame's father I wouldn't admit it either" I said.

He stayed silent, obviously thinking. Boys think that girls are complicated when Boys are the truly complicated ones, especially with feelings.

"Look, I'm worried too, there's no shame in it." I told him.

"Fine, I may be worried" Russia admitted.

"I would whisper "go to him" in your ear but that's cheesy and I doubt you would run 15 miles to his house" 

He smiled.

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