In the past...

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I walked through the woods. I took out the pocket watch Dad had given me ,2.15 pm

"Dang it!" I thought, I was 15 minutes late. What if he thought I wasn't coming?

Soon I came across a familiar field, it was our spot. The only way to find it was if you went into the middle of the forest. We think its haunted since if you don't follow the correct path then you'll get lost. I looked up and I saw him sitting on a rock next to the weeping willow. The sun hit him on the perfect spot making me blush. He saw me.

"Russki why weren't  you here earlier?" He asked.

"I'm sorry Meri, Dad made me go practice Tank Driving" I replied.

"That sounds awesome!" Meri said back.

"Its not as cool as it sounds" I said rubbing my hands on the soft grass.

"Its awesome compared to what I have practice!"

I looked at him in confusion.

"My parents make me practice piano"  Same here Meri

 "What do you wanna learn?" I asked.

"I'd like to learn how to ride a horse..."

"What's stopping you?" I asked.

"I don't have any horses and Dad wont get me one..."

After talking for 20 minutes a flare shot up in the air and a flare shot up in the air.

"I gotta get home, see you tomorrow Russki?"

"See you tomorrow"

I watched Ame walk all the way to the border of the forest. He looked back and saw me still looking at him, he smiled, blew a kiss the walked fully into the forest.

"I have to get him a horse..." I thought.

I walked home to see dad.


Russia walked through the door blushing, he never blushed so I assumed he had been around Amerika. 

"What happened with Ame this time?" I asked.

"I want to get Ame a gift..." Russia said.

"What does he want?" I asked grabbing a bottle of vodka.

"If he wants a tank your buying it" I said pointing at russia.

"No, he wants a horse" Russia told me.

"That's easy, what kind of horse should I get?" I asked.

"How about a mustang? I heard they're cheap but can go really fast" 

I smiled, he must have done his research.

"Why don't you go get one from the my stables, I think I have a 2 year old female mustang in my stables" 

"Really dad?" Russia said almost shocked.

"I know how it feels to want to make someone you love happy" I told my son.

"Thanks so much!" Russia said. He ran over and hugged me and then ran to find the mustang I described.

"Daddy! Belarus put macaroni in my hair" 

I sighed, back to taking care of these little sh*ts.

The next day (Russia POV)

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