Chapter 28

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"Dads, wake up"

I could feel Russia stir next to me and groan. He turned to face the child that waked him"

"North Dakota, come on. It's a Saturday"

"I know that, it's just that Ruserica is crying" 

I got out of bed to get her, Russia had gotten out of bed to help her more last night. I settled Ruserica and brought her to me and Russia's new room. 

I and Russia had decided to build a new house that suited both of us. It consisted of 60 bedrooms, 40 bathrooms, (2 states shared a single bathroom, me and Russia got a private one, and the rest of the bathrooms were for the guest rooms and the rest were for the floors.) our house has 1 bar (for Russia) 8 TV rooms. An ice rink, a shooting range, a pool, and a movie theater. 

"DAD! OHIO DYED MY HAIR RED" Louisiana yelled.

"I permit you to prank him back, if it's permanent then I'm pretty sure I have white hair dye for you. If you wanna dye his hair a different color then I also have a neon green dye in the cabinet above my sink"

"Thanks, dad!" She smiled and ran away probably to find the pink dye I had in my bathroom cabinet that was there for no reason. I swear I don't even remember buying it.


I turned around to see DC with a clipboard and a child I knew as Hawaii clinging onto her leg.

"Some of the girls here need more... you know"

"I know what you're talking about, you and the girls can go to CVS or something and get more. My wallet should be on the black coffee table near the front door. If the girls need anything else feel free to get it, the same with you"

DC gave a barely visible smile and walked away to go get my leather wallet. After she was out of sight I kept walking to Ruserica's room when I walked in I saw my little girl still crying. I swooped her up in my arms. Ruserica had white hair like me and most of my kids, but it had blue and red highlights. Ruserica had Russia's yellow eyes but they glowed like my blue eyes. She had the Russian flag but she has a blue patch of stars from me. 

  I also knew that she could become a country because it turns out that Russia had owned an island the size of Columbia that he had gotten from USSR, who wanted the land to be reserved for if Russia ever had children

If you don't understand this I'll explain. In my AU, if a country has a child, they can either let the kid be human, let them inherit their land if they crumble/retire, or give their kid a separate piece of land to be a country of. 

Russia POV

I felt North Dakota shake the bed, I groaned loudly and moved a bit. Ruserica and I had a bad night, she wouldn't stop crying so I had to stay up and take care of her.

"H-Hey, папа?"

I saw Tennesee standing over me with tears in her eyes. 

"What's wrong?" I said with sympathy.

"I h-had a bad dream about when that disease spread"

I remembered that there were a few states that weren't affected as much. The Tennesee government shut down all borders to stop people from getting into Tennesee. Tennessee's Government also had supplied medicine and basically quarantined everyone right when they heard that California had been struck with a disease. So I believe that Tennesee had to watch all his other siblings get sick and suffer while she was barely getting any cases.

"I'm sorry if I woke you, it's just that Dad is downstairs taking care of everyone else..."

"It's fine I understand, I've had nightmares too and I'd got to my папа to comfort me"

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