#Nervous as heck

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I love 7 stars (video up top) so I recommend the video up top if you want a comic dub. But if you don't then you can mute it and enjoy the comic.

#enjoy my trashy chapter

America POV

Ever since I had told them my secret (the kids) the other countries have been helping me. So I could actually do things now that weren't buying groceries or cleaning up a mess. I love them but they hecka annoying sometimes.

I was playing Monopoly with Connecticut, Michigan and New Mexico when Oklahoma came in.

"Daddy your phone is ringing!" 

"Thanks Oak!" I yelled to her as she walked away.

I answered the phone to here a familiar accent.

"Meri? Are you there?" 

"I am, what do ya need?"

"My family found out about the date and now wanna get to know you."

I blushed. What if they didn't like me? I had spoken to USSR before but usually because U.N made us.

"Ummm Meri?"

"Oh! Sorry I was just thinking... So what time/day?"

"They wanna meet you today if that's okay"

"Seems a bit early" I answered.

"That's what I said but they won't listen"

"So how about around dinner?" I asked.

I heard Russia talking to someone.

"Rus am I speakerphone?" 

"No?" He answered in a confused tone.

"Don't lie to me"

"ummmm... around Dinner sounds great!"


"Seriously Russia?" I thought.


Mississippi, New Jersey, Utah, Wyoming, and Montana were running towards me. Wyoming holding what looked like a ball of fluff.

"Daddy can we keep her?" Montana said with her best begging voice.

"ummm, Is that a baby gray wolf?"

"It's a boy not a girl!" NJ yelled.

"How do you know?"

"I checked" NJ said in a triumphant voice.

"Ewww!" Michigan yelled.

It was going to be a long day.

"Dad where are you going?" Tennessee said.

"Yeah where?" Georgia said.

"I bet he's going on a date~" Connecticut said.

"If he is I'll find the person who he went out with and use my awesome abilities to kick there a-" Texas said getting cut off by D.C jumping and covering his mouth.

"NO CURSING" She yelled.

Texas had something called Texas Pride you know that thing that people from Texas sometimes get? (This is a stereotype, I'm not saying it's true)

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