Under attack

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Oof I think first chapter of 2021, if it's not pls don't yell at me.

Alaska and I have been calling each other (not in a pedophile way). He has been updating me and has scheduled a meet up for us on the border of Alaska with a few others.

The cold air was piercing and the snow was thick but it was nothing I couldn't handle. I saw Alaska and multiple other silhouettes.

Alaska, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Washington and New York all invited me inside a cabin.

"Thank you" I said.

"Welcome to the Alaskan cabin!" Ohio said cheerfully.

"Dad has a house in every state for us and his use, right now we're in Alaska's house." New York said.

"Do you have any information?" I asked.

"NY was able to see the box one last time before is was confiscated" Washington said while sitting down.

"Well what did it say?" 

"It had the word, Ingozi on it meaning Danger in Zulu. Zulu is spoken in South Africa, we believe that whoever did this is in that area. Our only suspect is South Africa." New York said, now out of breath.

"We're hoping you can see meet up with S. Africa to interrogate him" Pennsylvania told me.

"Or I can get UN, he's also trying to figure this out and he's even memorized every countries history, geography, and every single war. So I could also go to him." 

"I think you should go to UN, that's smarter" Alaska said while grabbing a cup of hot cocoa.

A loud familiar mumbling was coming from a walkie-talkie on the coffee table in front of the mantle.

"It's South Dakota! She says that dad's starting to look for us!" Ohio yelled.

"She doesn't know how much longer Florida can keep distracting dad!"

"You guys can go, you've already done enough now it's my turn to do some work" I said feeling triumphant.

The other states started to teleport back all of them left except Alaska.

"Shouldn't you be going?" I asked.

"Yeah..." Alaska said.

He went over and picked up the walk-in-talkie.

"Somethings wrong, isn't it?" I asked.

"I've been thinking since I came from you originally..."

"Does that make you my biological dad?" He asked.

I was surprised. I had never thought of it like that. Ukraine used to be a part of dad and she was his son so... was he?

"I'm sorry if I made things awkward, just forget I said anything" Alaska said starting to tear up.

"Don't go, I was just thinking!" I said walking over to the now crying state.

"I think your right, you just gained actual consciousness when America declared you a state." I told him.

I kneeled down to get to his level. "My sister Ukraine used to be a part of my dad, when she gained independence she separated from him and became my sister" I said.

He wiped his eyes with his sleeve, before embracing me in a hug. Distantly we heard a voice on the walkie-talkie saying he had to go.

We both pulled away.

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