Idk what to name this T3T

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3rd person point of view

"Are you sure you want to watch them?" America said while Russia was forcing him into his bed.

"We're sure" said Russia.

"Well there's a few things you HAVE to do if you don't the house will burn down" 

"If it makes you feel better tell us!" Said Japan.

"K so 

1.Always make sure you know where the fire extinguisher is you never now when California will light on fire.

2.Make sure Idaho and Georgia always have potatoes and peaches.

3.Always check Texas for guns.

4.Always give Florida a bit of crack it makes him high and slows him down, but don't give him too much.

5.Hurt Hawaii you hurt everybody so if you cause Hawaii to cry they will not hesitate on ganging up on you.     Got it?" Said America

They all nodded.

They all heard a distant cry which sounded like Hawaii.

"You know what maybe this was a bad idea" America said getting out of bed and walking towards the door. Russia cut him off.

"Ukraine go get Hawaii" Russia said while not breaking eye contact with America.

America broke and muttered "fine..."

He climbed unwillingly into his bed.

"You happy?" He said with a ton of attitude.

"As a matter of facts, I am" Russia said in a smug tone.

Meanwhile with Ukraine

How do I make a baby stop crying!? 

Hawaii was still crying and Ukraine felt horrible.

I know!

She picked Hawaii up and started swaying gently from side to side. Hawaii sniffled and dug her face into Ukraine's shoulder.

"Now why don't we get you something nice to eat?" Ukraine said with a small smile.

Hawaii's face lit up and she started saying "Spam Musubi"

Ukraine walked down stairs de bean in her arms.

And saw Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

"Hello you must be Ukraine" said Pennsylvania politely.

"I'm Pennsylvania but if you want you can call me PA. If you have any questions I'm right here."

"I'm Wisconsin and if you ever need cheese I'm right here"

"Well Pennsylvania is there a cook book or something that I can use?" Ukraine asked.

"Yes there are, over there above the stove" Pennsylvania said while pointing.


Ukraine walked over to the large cabinet PA told her to look in. It was full of 50 different cookbooks. One for each state.                                                                                                                            Ukraine grabbed the one labeled Hawaiian food recipes.

With France

"MY BAGUETTE!" Screamed France as Arizona snatched the bread from her.

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