Wedding part 2 (wedding prep)

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I don't know if this makes sense but the world organizations kind of run the shops. Like how IPPC ran the florist thing. If you wanted a dog then then you would go to ASPCA or PETA.

"how the heck does Mr. Beast do this!?" Ame said after looking at the bill.

"Why don't I pay half of it?" I said.

"Don't do that, I'm Mr. Beast""

After Ame gave the cashier his credit card I gave her mine and asked her to use my card instead.

"That's sweet of you, I wish my Boyfriend would buy me things..." USFIA said.

"You may want to talk to New York about that he's very smart with that stuff"

USFIA stands for United States Fashion Industry Association.

The logo below is what her face looks like

The logo below is what her face looks like

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"Hey, I'm New York. I'm training to be a therapist"

"Aren't you also a Graphic Designer?" DC asked.

"And a doctor?" North Dakota said.

"and also certified vet?" Oregon said.

"I'm New York, I'm like a better Barbie"

"Wasn't Barbie a pilot and an Astronaut?" Arkansas asked.

"I'm working on the Astronaut thing, and I'm to young to drive a plane"



"What is it?' I asked.

"LOOK AT THE CHAIRS" Ame said while pointing at them.

"I don't see what's wrong" I said looking at the chairs.

"I ordered for beige not cream!"

"Ame, take of your glasses.

"Oh, they're cream, perfect!"

He walked away as if nothing happened.


"DO THOSE CUPS LOOK GOLD ENCRUSTED? THAT'S PLASTIC" UK yelled at a boy who was also looking as if he was going to sh*t himself.

"THE BANNERS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE MADE OF SILK. YOUR RUINING MY BROTHER'S WEDDING" Australia yelled at another person who was crying loudly.

"DOES THIS LOOK FRESH, IT LOOKS LIKE IT WAS BOUGHT AT A GAS STATION" Canada yelled at a chef who was muttering multiple apoligies.

"Ame wanted a burgundy velvet pillow for the rings. THIS IS A SOFT RED PILLOW" New Zealand yelled.

Damn, Ame's family get angry easily. I decided to go help move the arch.

We were getting married in a forest. Ame said that beach weddings are cheesy and for hippies so he refused to get married on the beach. He wanted to get married in a forest or on the moon. We couldn't get enough spacesuits so we decided to find a nice forest. 

"Look at this!"

I turned around to see Hawaii in a blue and white muumuu. I couldn't help but "aww" at her little flower crown. 

"Aloha Makua kāne ʻona! Do you like my dress?" The small girl said. I swear she could climb me like tree, that's how small she was compared to me.

I kneeled to get at least close to her height.

"You look adorable маленький ребенок, что я скоро стану моим пасынком"

She smiled, I had been trying to teach the states Russian, (or at least basic Russian). So she probably had understood about half that sentence.

"Спасибо, шаг папа! <3" She said. Hawaii has been doing really well with . Either she's been studying with Duolingo or some other crappy language app with a bird that would kill you if you missed your Spanish lesson, or she was just a quick learner.

"E Hawaii, e lawe i kau peʻa ma aneʻi. ʻO ʻoe kahi pī liʻiliʻi e haki maʻalahi ʻia e kahi kanaka neʻe" Ame yelled.

"Okay daddy!" Hawaii yelled. She waved goodbye to me scurried over to Ame like  little mouse narrowly dodging the men bringing in things for the wedding.

Ame pulled down his sunglasses slightly (enough for me to see his eyes) winked at me. Before scooping up the Hawaii and walking away.

Sorry it's short, but its better then nothing


fun fact: their's 666 words in this chapter

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