10 hours till gunshot

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I took a tiny break so don't be mad at me.

??? POV

I could hear the Countries entering the room. I smirked and took out the gun and went for the trigger.


3rd Person POV

The Countries walked up to the strangely empty city known as Washington DC. None of them had seen a city so vaguely silent. Every once in a while you would here a car or someone shouting. It seemed the only things that was active were active were the Hospitals full of fainting, an blood coughing people. The countries seemed anxious.

"Guys are we going in?" Phil asked.

"The timer is running" Canada said.

"are we going in or not?" Australia said.

"Malay if your going in there I want you to be careful, you know I never wanted you to get tangled up in this business" Indonesia told Malaysia.

"Indo I can take care of myself! He's also the Country I trade most with so if he's gone I'll lose a lot of money" Malaysia yelled.

"Fine, Fine, just try to be home by dinner we're having Satay with rice" Indo said kissing him on the forehead. He walked past Russia and mouthed the words "He gets hurt, I hurt you".

They all walked up to the large doors and right when they were about to go in they heard the small voice.

"Wait up!" Maine yelled

"That was very unwise of you Maine to yell that, now we can't sneak in and assist our dad and save our other sick siblings " Massachusetts said.

"Why is he talking like that?" Phil asked.

"Another college opened up in Massachusetts and his tiny mind can suppress all the knowledge so his brain grew 10 sizes and won't shut up about politics, science, and math" Maryland said.

"Did you know it's illegal to sing in the bathroom in Pennsylvania?" Massachusetts said.

"Wait really?" Vermont asked.

"Singing in the bathtub is even legal in Florida, AND IN FLORIDA ITS ILLEGAL TO SING IN PUBLIC WITH A BATHING SUIT ON" Virginia yelled.

"It's a disgrace to sing in the bathtub" Pennsylvania said.

"What are we even talking about?" Alaska said angrily.

"We want to help" Alaska said shortly after.

"I'm sorry but your to young (and beautiful) to fight" Russia said.

"Don't make us get Uncle C!" Connecticut yelled.

"Umm but I'm uncle C" Canada said confused.

"No, your Uncle Syrup, and Australia is Uncle Aussie, New Zealand is Uncle Gandof" Delaware told them.

"Just go home" France told the rebellious states. 

The states angrily walked away. The countries walked into the house. The blinds were closed so it was dark. 

"HOLY S-" 

"Malay? Are you okay?"

"Umm, Britain can you stop breathing so loud?"

"I don't know how to breath, so its not me" 


Soon everything was silent, and everyone was passed out on the floor. 

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