Wedding part 1

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The whole America household was a mess. There were clothes everywhere, Florida was refusing to wear a suit. Hawaii was eating all the flowers. Montana had lost her favorite sapphire. Everyone basically had a problem.

Lets go back in time a little bit

"here is our driver, she's going to be driving us around while we do our wedding stuff"

The driver mumbled something in a different language. The girl had brown curly hair, big bags under her eyes, and a T-Shirt saying "Keep It real".  IT ME GUYS.

"Hello, I can't tell you my name. So just call me DeDerpQueen"

"Wait, aren't you the Creator?"

"Shut it before you break the 4th wall" 

DeDerpQueen drove them to the wedding cake tasting place.

Russia handed me money, and told me it was going to be a while. Ame had no food standards yet so many. He would eat trash food like McDonalds, but he would expect quality food from places that were supposed to be quality.

"No, I don't like that design"

"ew, what am I barbie?" Ame said after looking at a pink cake.

"I want that one"

Russia POV

I turned around to see Ame looking at a royal blue cake as if that cake was his Fiance.

I turned around to see Ame looking at a royal blue cake as if that cake was his Fiance

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I imagine it to look like this except bigger.

I honestly didn't care about the cake as long as it tasted good.

"W e r e   g e t t i n g   t h i s   o n e  w e t h e r   y o u   l i k e   i t   o r   n o t" 

After we got a flavor we both agreed on ordered the cake and left.

"Where too next?" DeDerpQueen asked.

"Florist please"

"Wait who are we inviting?" Ame asked me.

"I don't know"

"I want both of our families to come"

I got out a notepad and started writing.

"y'know what? F*** it invite everyone"

I wrote everyone on the list.

"Oh, I also want Amahle on the list, we would both be dead without her"

The people who lived on Izwe elingaphansi komhlaba are now part on Africa. For short we call the island IEK. Since IEK was off the coast of South Africa, IEK belongs to S. Africa. IEK people were able to leave. Amahle is now scientist for America. America had offered Amahle a job at some lab in America. 

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