The outing part 1 bus ride

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3rd person POV

P"America what do you need?" France said in her sweet voice.

"The kids have been bottled up for too long" America said.

"What do you mean by bottled up" Denmark said in a confused tone.

"I mean bottled up"

"I haven't taken them out in a month" America said in a tone with attitude.

"Jeez Meri you don't have to snap at me" Denmark said with his hands up.

America turned away from Denmark and looked at everyone else.

"Take them to the beach or something" America said.

"And if we don't?" Iceland asked questioningly.







"They'll all go as crazy as Florida, and you don't want 49 Florida's do you?" America said.

Britain hugged his teabags close remembering what had happened to one of them.

"Beach it is then!" Ukraine yelled.

"I'll get my swim trunks!"


An few hours later

Russia POV

We were waiting outside. Ukraine thought that America should come and had convinced him with the help of Canada and Australia.

My step-brother, Germany was waiting to check on America to see if he's made progress with eating. 

"WHY ARE YOU IN YOUR BATHING SUIT" From a tree dropped a red white and black flag known as Third Reich.

I could visibly see people jump or flinch from N. Germany.

" *sigh* Darling what did I tell you about spying on Germany?" USSR said

"DAD!?" I half yelled.

"Hello Russia" he said in a cool tone.

"Why are you wearing swim trunks?" Dad said.


N. Germany gasped and said in a very hurt tone "YOU WERE GOING TO THE BEACH WITHOUT ME"

"I AM HERE"(comment if you get the reference 😂)

Britain had found a double-decker bus from who knows where.

"Wait!" Canada came running out of the house dragging an unwilling America behind him.

America had Red and white striped trunks and a white T-shirt, the trunks brought out his hips.

3rd person POV

Russia got onto the bus helping a few kids into their seats.

They put most of the kids on the first story so Britain, France, and Ukraine could watch them.

America sat with Japan, N.Korea and S. Korea they were talking about some movies.

USSR walked over to Russia.

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