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~2 months Later~
Hoseok's POV
I was about 6 months into my pregnancy, about to go into my 7th month and things have been okay, but also bad. My feet start to hurt more now and my back hurts as well. Every once in a while I will feel nauseous but it'll be rare for that to happen. Right now I was laying down in bed with Kai while watching a movie on Netflix. "I don't understand the plot line Kai, what is it supposed to be about?" "Just a guy trying to survive the zombies near his apartment." "Basically Train to Busan just different?" He nodded and I sighed. "We've watched this 3 there anything else on Netflix?" He grabbed the remote and checked what else they had. "Not really." I sighed. "Then can we go shopping?" He looked at me. "I thought you didn't want to go?" "Well now I wanna go. Come on!" I slowly got up and was able to get my shoes on with the help of Lisa and we all left to the store.

"Hyung look!" Lisa ran up to me and showed me some baby clothes and I smiled and held them. "I like these." They were little onesies in cute pastel colors. "Yeah same here, let's get them!" We were looking at baby items and bought some baby clothes. We stopped by the food court and ate, then decided to look at some other stores. My feet started hurting so I decided to sit at a nearby cafe. A bunch of people that walked by would look at me with disgust so I would usually try not to pay attention to it at all, but it would still hurt with all the staring they did. "Hey you ready to go?" I looked up and saw Kai and Lisa. I nodded as we all went into the car and drove back home.

Lisa had fallen asleep so Kai took her to her room while I went into the nursery and put all the baby clothes and the other essentials we bought for Lia. I had decided to name her Lia since I thought it was a very pretty name and Kai agreed as well. I looked at her nursery and smiled. The walls were a light grey, with a rocking chair in the corner, the drawers in front of the window, a nice crib with a little something hanging over and a little closer with her baby clothes and accessories. I felt arms around my waist and saw Kai hugging me. "Can't believe she'll be here in almost 2 months...time flies by a lot." "Yeah you're right. The due date is somewhere in October, they think it might be early October." "She's going to be very cute, I know it." I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Let's go lay down and watch some TV."

I nodded and went to the room and laid down while Kai laid down next to me and held me close. I had my hands on my stomach and felt her kick a little. I smiled a little and started to watch TV with Kai. After about 30 minutes, Kai had fallen asleep so I started to look at my phone, but there was a knock on the door so I slowly got up and went to the door and opened it. "What Namjoon? I swear if you keep coming back her I'm gonna put in a complaint." He sighed. "Look I'm sorry okay? I get what I did was...extremely shitty and I feel really horrible for doing that to you, can you please forgive me?" I sighed and heard footsteps behind me. "Yah, he said he didn't want you coming back here."

I saw Kai behind me and he looked a little mad. "Kai just calm down a bit.." He sighed and calmed down a bit. "Listen...I...I um...I want to try to help Hoseok. Anything you or the baby needs I can get it." "I already have what we need. You're fine." "Yeah, because we know what to do." Namjoon glared at Kai. "Why do you even care?" "Because I'm his boyfriend that cares about him." "Well this isn't any of your problem so just go somewhere else." I looked at them. "Guys calm really don't need to fight!" Kai got me out of the way gently. "Hoseok, go back to the room for a bit..." I looked at him. "What? Kai I'm not!" "Why are you even concerned? That's my baby." Kai chuckled a bit. "Because I'm here for him, I'm not like you where I suddenly say I don't want to be in the baby's life!"

No one's POV
Namjoon was getting more mad and started to push Kai to get him irritated but...Namjoon decided to punch him first. "What the hell Namjoon!?" Hoseok was shocked but before he could do anything, Kai and Namjoon started fighting. "Both of you stop!!" Hoseok was getting scared and didn't know what to do, so he tried doing what was best. He tried separating them but Namjoon pushed him a little too hard and hit his head on the wall, causing him to fall. Kai immediately stopped. "Hoseok...Hoseok!!!" He ran to his side. "Come on Hoseok wake up!" He looked down and saw some blood from him, so he called an ambulance, informing what had just happened. He looked at Namjoon. "You didn't have to fucking push him that hard!!"

The Ambulance came and took Hoseok straight to the hospital and Kai got Lisa and drove right to the hospital, even through all the red lights, he was really worried about Hoseok and the baby, he was angry at Namjoon for pushing him but mainly mad at himself. He made sure to always protect Hoseok while in his pregnancy and him bleeding after passing out, that could be critical. He finally made it to the hospital and ran in. "Yes sir?" "Did Jung Hoseok make it here yet!?" She typed on the computer. "In room 305." I nodded and quickly got to the room and saw Hoseok awake. "Hoseok! Are you okay?" "I-I think so...the doctor hasn't came in with anything bad." I nodded and held his hand. "Everything will be okay..." He smiled a bit and Kai kisses his cheek, they both waited for the doctor to walk in.

After about an hour, the doctor walked in. "What happened?" The doctor had a sad feeling walking in. Lisa, Kai and Hoseok were all very nervous about what the doctor was going to say. "Well we took some tests...and I'm sorry...the baby didn't make it." They were all shocked. "When you hit your head Hoseok, it caused some major things in the brain go crazy, going to the baby and causing you to bleed. I'm very sorry for your loss, I'll give you guys some space." She walked out and Hoseok had started crying as Kai pulled him into a hug. Lisa hugged Hoseok as well. Hearing your baby didn't make it is horrible, especially after months of nourishing the baby, going to all those appointments, to find out later on, the baby didn't make it.

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