Time For A Change

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~A couple of days later~
Millie's POV
Hoseok was a huge mess, and by that I mean a HUGE mess. His room is dirty, dishes in the sink, empty water bottles everywhere and plates with food on them everywhere. "Hoseok you can't live in this....filth." He was eating ramen while watching a k-drama and crying a little, choking on his sobs a bit. "Y-Yes I can!" I sighed as I grabbed everything dirty and threw away trash, organized his clothes that were everywhere, and sat next to him. "You need to let him go Hoseok....what he did was wrong okay?" "B-But what do I even feel right now? I-I feel so sad." I looked at him. "Let's wait for Jiho to come over okay?" He nodded as we both waited for Jiho.

After about 30 minutes, he was finally here. "What took you so long?" "I argued with Namjoon..sorry I was taking forever." I sighed. "It's okay."

~Earlier at Jiho's house~

"Namjoon you knew that what you did was wrong and I get that! But you could've just stopped!!" Namjoon didn't even look at him. "You think I don't know that Jiho? I fucking know it!!" Jiho scoffed and looked at him. He didn't even see Namjoon as his brother right, only as the person who broke his friends heart. "Just admit Namjoon, you only used Hoseok as a fucking rebound and you know it!" "So what if I did Jiho!? What are you gonna do about it!?" Jiho was shocked at what his own brothers said.

"And you said you changed for him, I guess you didn't. I can't even call you my own brother anymore." He walked past him but stopped. "Like they say, once a playboy, always a playboy." He then left and drove to Hoseok's house.

~Flashback End~

"I can't believe he said that...I don't know how Hoseok stayed with him but he made it work, that's the Hoseok we know, always making things work." "But Namjoon broke him....I cleaned his house a bit for him, he won't move out of his bed, only gets up for food, water, or to the bathroom and that's it." We both sighed. "And he's still wearing Namjoon's hoodie...I feel bad for him."  Jiho and I walked to Hoseok and sat on the side next to him. "Hoseok how do you feel?" He stayed quiet for a bit. "Like complete shit. The one person I love, gone just like that." Jiho hugged him tightly while stroking his hair softly.

"I know Hoseok, I know...but right now you need to show him that he'll regret doing what he did and you'll make him realize that he lost such a great boy as a lover." We both hugged Hoseok and he started crying again onto Jiho's shoulder. "Now come on, we cannot just stay and feel depressed because of him! We gotta show him that we're not sad and that we are fine without them!" Hoseok looked at me. "What do you mean?" I smiled. "It means we're going to go get you a whole new closet Hoseok, because these." Jiho looked through his closet. "These hoodies ain't gonna work." "My hoodies are perfectly fine!" Hoseok grabbed one of his hoodies and put it on.

"Nope, come on Hoseok, we'll go out for a bit, maybe go to the movies or something but we won't stop until you at least get a little happy!" I looked at him. "Come on!" We took him to the car and drove to the mall, parking the car near the entrance. We all went inside but Jiho dragged him to Hot Topic and started looking through all the clothes. "How about this?" Jiho pulled a black shirt out, with Naruto in the middle of the shirt. "And it's your favorite anime too!" Hoseok nodded. "Sure."

After awhile of shopping, they all headed home and put all of the clothes away in his closet. "Okay, let's all have some snacks and watch some movies!"

Nothing else could go wrong, right?

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