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Hoseok's POV
Kai was taking me to Namjoon's apartment. I didn't want to wait to tell Namjoon because I felt that this was urgent to tell him, and it would just be worse if I kept it a secret. I was looking outside the window, looking at the clouds hoping to calm me down. "We're here, I'll stay in the car okay?" I nodded. "Okay, thanks Kai." I got out of the car and went to the door and rang the doorbell. I was waiting for about 5 minutes when the door opened. "Hoseok? What are you doing here?" I looked at him and sighed. "I need to talk to you about something." "Okay, come in then." He stood to the side letting me in and closed the door.

"So what's wrong?" I took a deep breathe. "Remember the party two months ago?" "Yeah I remember that. What about it?" He looked at me. "Well....we both got drunk..and had a one night stand but.." I took a deep breathe. "I'm pregnant Namjoon." I looked at him and he looked shock. "Wait so it's my baby?" I nodded. "Yeah, it's your baby." He stood up from the couch and walked around a bit. "When did you find out?" "I found out earlier today. I left school early and my friends got me some things and the test and it came out positive." He kept walking back and forth. "If it's my baby, I think it's best if you just stay near my apartment." "What do you mean?" I looked at him. "I mean move somewhere near my apartment Hoseok." "Namjoon i don't have that kind of money! There's no way I can move!" "That's why I'll pay for it Hoseok! Listen I just wanna help okay? I wanna be there for the baby, not leave you alone with the baby."

I sighed. "I don't know Namjoon, I don't feel comfortable moving somewhere so suddenly." He looked at me. "Hoseok I'm paying for it for you to move!" I sighed, feeling a little frustrated. "I just said I don't feel comfortable moving so suddenly, I can't do that and also because it's not great to be driving an hour to school when it only takes me 10 minutes where I live right now!" He sat down. "Fine, then at least let me go to the doctors appointments, try giving me that second chance! Please Hoseok.." He looked at me. "I'll let you go to the doctors appointments...I can't give you that second chance. I'm sorry Namjoon." I got up and left, quickly getting into the car. "You okay-" "Just drive, please." Kai nodded and started driving.

After an hour drive, we finally got home and I went inside and sat down on the couch, taking a deep breath to calm down, since I was feeling a little frustrated. I felt arms around and realized Kai was hugging me. "Everything is going to be okay Hoseok." I hugged back and started to cry into his shoulder.

Kai's POV
I kept hugging Hoseok and let him cry it out and waited for him to calm down. I was comforting him and just saying things that can help calm him down. After awhile he stopped crying and actually fell asleep so I got up and picked him up. I walked to Hoseok's room and placed him on the bed and covered him with the blanket. I went to go pick Lisa up for Hoseok. "Lisa! I'm picking you up for Hoseok!" Lisa got in. "What's wrong with Hoseok?" "I took him to someone's house and right now he's just asleep." I was driving and got in the driveway and made sure Lisa went inside the house and I went back to my house.

I'm really just updating so much right now because, I have all these ideas :)

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