Unexpected News

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~2 months later~
Hoseok's POV
I haven't been feeling well at all for a couple of days and felt extremely tired as well. "Hoseok you don't look so good..I think you should stay home." Millie said concerned. I shook my head. "I'll be fine, I really mean it." I ate my breakfast and went to my first class which was English. After about an hour of being in the class, I started to feel like throwing up. I quickly got up and ran out of the class and into one of the restroom stalls and threw up what I had eaten for breakfast. After about a couple of minutes, I stopped and slowly got up and left. The bell had rang and luckily I had took my bag with me just in case so I walked to my next class and sat down in my desk. While waiting for the rest of class to walk in, my eyes started getting heavy so I rested my head against the desk and started to fall asleep.

"HOBI! WAKE UP!" I flinched a bit and looked up and saw Kai standing in front of me with Millie and Jiho on the side. "What happened?" "You missed two classes because you passed out in History, right now it's lunch." I slowly got up. "Sorry...let's just go eat." We all went to the cafeteria and went in line, got our lunch and sat at the usual table we sit at. We kept eating and finished, threw the trays away and went to the next class but while walking, I felt like throwing up again and I covered my mouth and ran to the restroom, the others following behind me. I went into one of the restroom stalls and threw up whatever I ate during lunch.

Kai was rubbing my back until I finally stopped. "Okay, Hobi you're going home and that's it. You can't argue with me, Kai or Millie." I slowly got up. "Guys I'm fine, I really mean it!" "Hoseok, you've been throwing up since this morning AND you fell asleep, missing two classes. You're going home." I sighed and gave in, they went with me and took me home, making me lay down in bed. "We'll be back okay? We're gonna go to the store." I nodded and stayed in bed and waited for them.

Millie's POV
Kai, Jiho and I were all at the store to get some things for Hoseok since he wasn't doing good at all. "Guys, do you think Hoseok could possibly be pregnant?" Kai asked. "What do you mean?" We both looked at him. "I mean, he's been throwing up, and feeling extremely tired, those are signs of pregnancy." "I mean..he could be right." I sighed. "I'll get some medicine, Kai get some soup for him and Jiho get the pregnancy test, just in case." They nodded and they went to get the items while I got the medicine.

We all came back to the front and paid for the items and went back to Hoseok. "Hey Hobi, we got you some soup, medicine and...umm." I showed him the test. "A pregnancy test." "For what?" He looked at it. "Just to be safe! I'll make you some soup, just take some medicine right now." Kai went into the kitchen and started making soup while Jiho got some water for Hoseok. He took the medicine and drank some water while Kai got the soup in the bowl and put it on the coffee table. Hoseok ate only a little, since he didn't want to throw up again.

"Hobi, I think you should take the test, just to make sure." He sighed and nodded. "Okay I will..." I gave him the test and he went into the restroom.

Hoseok's POV
I was now just waiting for the test to show the results, so I was just staring at it, hoping it won't show positive. After about a couple of minutes the results showed up. I felt tears forming when I looked at the results. Positive. It was positive. I covered my mouth and went back to Millie, Jiho and Kai. "What did it say?" I put the test on the coffee table and sat on the couch. They all looked at it then looked at me. "Oh my gosh...you're really pregnant." I was barely trying to process what had just happened. Me being pregnant? How can I even take care of a baby? "How am I gonna do this?" I covered my face and started crying. "Hoseok we'll be with you...we'll help as much as we can with you and the baby okay? We'll be here through everything you go through!" They all hugged me while I kept crying.

"Thanks guys...I really don't deserve you guys as my friends." I calmed down. "Millie and I are gonna go, Kai said he was gonna stay a little longer." "Okay...I'll see you guys later." Both Millie and Jiho left and Kai was sitting next to me. "Are you planning on telling...you know who?" I sighed. "Yeah...I have to..he was the only person that could've made this possible because of the party." Kai pulled me into a hug. "If you want to I'll be there when you tell him..and if he doesn't want to deal with the baby then I'll be here!" I smiled a bit. "Thanks Kai."

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