The Aftermath

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Hoseok's POV
I woke up with a huge headache and sat up and I realized there were hands around my waist so I looked at who it was. It was Namjoon. I freaked out and also realized my clothes weren't on. I quickly got out, changed into my clothes and left the house. So much for Millie and Jiho making sure I don't get drunk. I went to Millie's house and knocked on the door. Jiho opened the door and I walked in right away. "Hoseok? What's wrong? Did something happen!?" Millie looked at me worried even while she was dealing with a huge hangover.

I sat down and took a deep breathe. "I woke up, and saw Namjoon next to me. In bed. No clothes." Kai ran downstairs. "Wait what!?" "Wait so let me get this straight, you had a one night stand with him!?" I nodded. "I just saw him there and changed and ran out, I wish someone could've told me to stop drinking..." I sighed and covered my face with my hands. "Hey it's not your fault Hoseok." Kai sat down next to me. "You were drunk and things happen, just try to forget about it okay?" I looked at him and smiled a bit. "Okay..thanks Kai."

Everyone had left Millie's house and I went back home and went inside. "Finally you're back!" I looked at Lisa who was laying upside down on the couch. "What?" "I was bored yesterday!" She got up and sat down like a normal person. "You do realize you could do a bunch of things right?" I pointed at what she could do like read, draw, pain or just watch a movie. "I know b-" she looked at me weird. "Are those hickeys on your neck?" "What?" I went to a mirror and looked at my neck and saw a couple of hickeys. "Did you have a one night stand!? Tell me who!! I wanna know!" She kept bothering me about it. "What!? No Lisa I'm not gonna tell you!" She whined a bit and kept begging me to tell her. "Lisa for the last time I'm not telling you who!" She sighed. "Okay fine I'll stop."

She went to her room and went to my and plopped down onto my bed. I sighed and looked at my phone for awhile, trying to get what happened last night off my mind. I put my phone on the bedside table and just stared at the ceiling for awhile. I looked up when I saw Lisa at the door with bed tray. "What do you need Lisa?" She walked up a bit. "I made some ramen for you and some painkillers if you have a headache...and some water!" She put it on the bedside table and I looked at her. "You didn't have to do that Lisa.." she sighed a bit. "It's the least I can do since I kinda feel bad for bothering you earlier." I smiled a little. "Thanks Lisa." I hugged her and after she left I started to eat the ramen, and took the painkillers since I did have a headache.

I fell back into bed and started to feel really tired, so I pulled the blanket over myself and closed my eyes and fell into a deep slumber.

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