Chapter 5: Alone Together

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Chapter 5: Alone Together


Annie and Gwen stood at the door with face masks on as they check to make sure they didn't forget anything. Today, they'll be going into the city to buy groceries since we are running out of food. They also have to pay some bills. They had gotten permission to leave the area to go into the city. The guard will be taking them using the car. So with them gone, I'll be the one to stay with Caleesi till they get back.

"Is this all we need?" Gwen asked to make sure, perusing the grocery list.

"Yea," Annie answered, opening the front door as she tells me, "You need a new phone right?"

"Yes," I answer, "Get me a black one."

"We'll be back. Don't get killed," Gwen teased.

"Ha ha," I say, waving them bye before they walk out of the house.

I watch them get into the car before driving out of the gate. The house was quiet and I go sit down at the living room, looking at my laptop. There was a new post from my college saying that we will be having online classes soon. I can't believe what's happening all over the world now. This virus has ruined a lot of plans. Hopefully it ends quickly so I can get out of here and go back home.

The small remote starts blinking next to me and I grab it, running upstairs to Caleesi's bedroom. I knock before entering her room.

Sitting next to her vanity table, Caleesi looks up into my direction. "Archer?"

"I'm here," I tell her, noticing the small scissor in her hold.

She still doesn't trust me.

It shows.

"You can put the scissor down," I say calmly, "I won't hurt you."

She slowly stands up, "I want to go downstairs."


Caleesi was sitting on the couch across from me, patting Hunter's head that rested on her lap. My laptop was on and since I had no phone, I would use my laptop to communicate with others. I notice Michael was online so I decided to video call him.

As soon as he answers, the first thing he says is, "Hi my love."

I groan in annoyance while Caleesi cocks a brow at my best friend's greeting.

"I know you missed me. You just can't get enough of me, huh," Michael was saying, acting gross.

"Dude, shut up," I whisper shout at him.

"You know you like it, babe," He continues.

"Shut the hell up, dumbass," I hiss at him.

"Okay okay. Is the mean brat asleep? I still can't believe that bitch threw your phone into the fountain," He asked, not knowing that Caleesi was present in the room, listening to our conversation.

"What is wrong with you? Are you good man? You look scared. Oh no! Are you kidnapped and someone has a gun pointed at you?" Michael asked frantically while I keep glancing at Caleesi who looked like she wanted me dead.

I sigh, wanting to hit Michael right now. I told him about what happened during my time here and he was not fond about Caleesi.

Caleesi stands up, coming over and sitting down beside me. She's getting good at this, moving around and stuff. Soon, she won't need us to help her around the place.

Michael suddenly shuts his mouth when he realizes what's happening. He didn't say anything while Caleesi stares down at the laptop, smirking.

"You were saying?" She said with an arched brow.

I couldn't say anything as I look at her right now.

I just can't believe she is sitting right next to me. She hated me and didn't want me around her. She was so against me staying here, but now, she is sitting here. I'm so shocked, but also happy she is starting to get comfortable around me too.

"Uh, wow, you are gorgeous," Michael blurted out.

Yes, she is.

I shake my head, thinking about what the heck just happened. Caleesi is very beautiful, but we would never work. I'm going to leave as soon as I can and we'll never see each other again. Besides, we hate each other. Her attitude sucks and she hates mine as well. I have to take care of her, because if anything happens while I'm here. They'll kill me and I won't be able to get back home.

"Thank you," She said politely and I looked at her in surprise.

She never said thank you to me or the others at least once.

"My name is Michael," my best friend introduced himself.

"And I'm Caleesi, the bitch you were talking about earlier," Caleesi said monotonously, making him laugh nervously.

"Ay, sorry about that," He laughs awkwardly.

"Why? You're right. I am a bitch," She said, shrugging.

"No you are not. Uh- I-I got to go, bye!" Michael said, and I show him the middle finger. He got himself into this and he's just going to leave like that. He quickly ends the call and I look at Caleesi who stands up. I stand up as well, looking at her.

"I need air," She says softly and I grab her hand, placing it on my arm before leading her out into the garden with Hunter walking ahead of us.

I let her sit down on the bench, looking around the garden and then my eyes stopped when I looked at her beautiful face. She was taking a deep breath of fresh air, looking relaxed. She looked so calm and I like seeing her like this.

Opening her eyes, she stares ahead. I wish she could see again so she could see the beautiful garden again and see how beautiful she is.

"How's the view?" She asked quietly, "I can't see so I want you to describe what you see..."

"Beautiful..." I blurted out, smiling at her. 

She smiles and that simple smile made my heart beat wildly in my chest.

What the hell?

She is even more beautiful when she smiles.

But then it slowly disappeared, "I wish I can see it too."

I go sit down beside her, glancing at her as I say, "I'll be your eyes as long as I'm here with you."

She doesn't say anything and I don't expect her to. Hunter runs over to us, a flower in his mouth as he places his paw on my lap. I pat his head, calling him a good boy. I take the flower from his mouth before turning to the lovely girl sitting near me. She seems to be deep in thought. Whatever she is thinking about doesn't seem nice judging by her facial expressions. I reach over and place the flower in her hand, making her slowly turn to me.

"A flower for a beautiful girl like you," I said, winking at her.

She continues staring at me and I groan in pain when she suddenly slammed her hand against my chest, knocking the breath out of my poor lungs. She puts the flower against my chest and smirks, "Thanks but no thanks."

"Damn, woman," I groan, composing myself. "Who hurt you?"

She suddenly tenses before turning away. I realize I just screwed things up with that damn question. I'm very curious if I'm being honest. Who hurt this beautiful girl? Who made her the way she is now?

I pray I never have to meet that person who made her this way because no matter how rude this girl can be, I know she is just hurt. 

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