Chapter 8: Walls Down

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Chapter 8: Walls Down


"Purok 1A is on lockdown," Gwen was saying over lunch, "As for us, we're okay now. But still, only one person is allowed to go out to buy things."

"So who will be it?" Annie questioned.

"It will," I told her. "You're 26. I heard 20 and below aren't allowed in the stores."

"Okay, me it is," She agreed.

"Tomorrow, I'll be going to the city to buy groceries," She adds, "If ya'll need anything, prepare a list."

I nod in response just as the door bell rings. Annie gets up and answers the door while Gwen helps me to the door. Everyone is down here except for Archer who went straight to bed again after making me lunch. I guess he was studying all night again.

"Our neighbour, Shiro and Ana, are here to visit you," Annie informed me.

"Let them in," I told her.

I hear the door open further and footsteps coming in.

"Oh and they brought a baby," Annie added and I just nod in response.

"Keep your distance," I state when they entered my house.

"Hey, Caleesi," Shiro greets me.

Shiro Lee has been my neighbour for years. He is half Korean and Filipino. We used to play when we were little and life happened. This is the first time we've talked again after 5 years. His mansion is right across from mine and like my parents- his parents went abroad for something.

"Long time no see," He told me, "How are you?"

Oh, the irony.

"Ouch," He groaned in pain, realizing something.

"I'm doing great," I said sarcastically.

"I just wanted to drop by and see how you're doing," He told me as they follow me into the living room. "I've been away for so long and when I got back, I never had the time to come by."

Gwen leads me to the couch before excusing herself to go make tea for our...unexpected guests. I hear a stroller being pushed and I wish I could see the faces of these people.

"Don't worry about it," I shrug it off.

"By the way, this is...Ana Magnayon," He introduced the girl who came with him even though I can't see her. "And this is Baby Gray."

A small smile makes its way up to my face, "That's your baby, isn't it?"

"How'd you know?" Ana speaks up in surprise.

I shrug, "Just a guess. I'm right, aren't I?"

"Yea, this is our baby boy. He is just 9 months old," Shiro answered, "Want to hold him?"

"Uhm..." I said, unsure if I should.

"Here, it is alright," Ana said kindly, coming over. I put my arms out and feel her place their baby in my arms. I couldn't see the face of this cutie baby, but that's okay I guess. I hold him closely, making sure not to drop him.

"Oh look," Ana awed, "He's not crying."

"Now that's just mean," I hear Shiro complain, "Why does he always cry when I'm carrying him? Like-"

"Shut up, Shiro," I told him, rocking Baby Gray in my arms as I feel him playing with my hair.

"Oh, how cute is this," Annie gushed, coming over to the living room.

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