Chapter 14: The One Who Hurt Her

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Chapter 14: The One Who Hurt Her

"Where is Archer?" I asked Aunt Melinda when I woke up, my hand being wrapped up in plaster.

"Why are you worrying about that boy," She sighed loudly, "look at you looking for that boy when you're the one in pain. I was so worried about you."

"Is he okay?" I prod, sitting up, but she gently pushed me back down so I don't get up.

"He is okay, Miss Caleesi," Gwen informed me. "He should be coming in a few minutes since he needs to park the car."

I nod at her in response, lying still on the bed. Last night's episode was still playing in my head. It was the same guy from the cafe. I know because of the way he smells. I have never seen his face and today, I might be able to.

"How are we doing today?" Nurse Jasmine, my favourite caretaker, said when she came over to my bedside.

I smile, saying, "Good."

"Are we ready to take off the cloth to check your beautiful eyes?" She asked politely and I shake my head.

Aunt Melinda groans in impatience, but I don't care. I want Archer to be here when they take it off. We've talked about this before. He wants to be here when we take it off. I can't wait to see again...I can't wait to see how he looks like.

"Can we wait a bit longer? I'm waiting for someone," I told Nurse Jasmine.

"Archer Garcia?" She asked me.

"You know him?" I ask her curiously and she laughs a little.

"Yes, he brought you here last night," She answered softly, "He is also my student."

I turn my head in her direction, saying, "Oh really? That's nice. How is he like?"


"So my name is Sloan Reyes," the girl smiled innocently, sitting across from me.

Sloan Reyes. The best friend who backstabbed the girl I love. Here she sat with a smile as if she has no problems in her life. She was the same girl who ruined Caleesi's life. She stole her boyfriend and watched her best friend almost die.

I wonder what she wants from me.

"You must be," She continues, "Archer Garcia, correct?"

"How do you know me?" I asked straightforwardly after giving the waitress my order. I didn't order anything for me, but I ordered some sweet baked goods for Caleesi. I can't wait to see her after

"How can I not know about you? You're all over the internet for saving my best friend," She said casually, flipping her hair back.

"As far as I know," I smirk, "Caleesi's best friend is dead."

Her small becomes small as if she can't believe I just said that to her face, "I guess she told you about her past? She finally opened up, huh?"

"I'm glad she did," I told her, checking my watch on my phone, pressing on an icon before placing it face down on the table.

"What are you? Her boyfriend?" She cocked a brow. "She will never like you. She is still in love with my boyfriend."

"Oh," I say sarcastically, "The boyfriend you stole from her?"

She laughs, "Is that what she said? Look, she didn't love him as much as I loved him. He loved me more. I wanted him and she knew it, but now...I want something new."

"So because of that," I leaned forward, " guys planned to kill her?"

She stops smiling, looking around as if not wanting others to hear our conversation. She looks a bit angry that I brought it up.

"It was me," She confessed quietly, "Max went after her because you know...his dad will kill him if he ruins their relationship. I wasn't having it anymore. Caleesi always gets everything I want. I didn't want my boyfriend chasing her anymore. She caught us together- so screw it! I got hold of the wheel...and hit her."

What sickens me is that she smiled after speaking.

She is sick in the head.

"You're crazy," I shook my head at her in disgust.

"I wanted her gone so we could be together," She leans back against her chair, saying, "...but she survived the fall. Max got the blame and was brought to jail for what happened. I'm tired of waiting for him to be released though..."

She touches her neck, but I just stare down at the table, processing all that she has said.

"She saw you before she lost her sight. You were part of it, you don't deserve to be free right now."

"I was," she agreed, "I fled the scene too. No one would believe her if she said I was there. Even the family who got hit didn't see me. Ya'll got no proof."

I just nod, agreeing with her. No proof.

The waitress brought over my order in a paper bag, giving me a smile before walking away.

"You and I would look so much better together," Sloan smiled, putting her hand over mine that was on the table.

"Yea, no," I smile, moving my hand away from hers.

"I heard from Aunt Melinda that you are just helping her in exchange that your grandma," She paused, a smirk on her face. "Nanny Grace, oh how I missed her. She'll help you go back to your country if you help Caleesi."

"That is none of your business though," I utter, standing up.

"I wonder how she'll react if she knows this," She gave me a side smile, standing up as well, "...she'll be so hurt."

"Bye," I said, walking away with the bag in hand.

With the other hand, I placed my phone into my pocket with a smirk. Heading into the hospital, I take the elevator, smiling. I can't wait to see my babe. I slide the door open and there she was sitting at the edge of the bed. Annie, Gwen, and Aunt Melinda stood at the side watching it. Nurse Jasmine, who is also, my professor, looks at me with a smile before telling Caleesi, "He's here."

They were just about to remove the white cloth from her face. Placing the bag down, I walked closer to them.

As soon as the cloth was removed, she slowly opens her eyes. I stood there, looking at her. She blinks again, focusing on me. Her eyes were gone, replaced with glacial blue eyes. It was the most beautiful pair of blue eyes I have ever seen in my entire life.

"Archer?" She asked, looking at me.

A smile makes its way up my face as I nod, "Arrow, you can see again."

She smiles widely at me before the doctor steals the attention from me, asking her questions and assessing her eye if there is anything abnormal. I couldn't stop looking at her with that big smile on her face. But then every time my eyes land on her plastered arm, it makes me angry.

My conversation with her ex-best friend still in my mind, but whenever Caleesi glances at me, it all flies out the window.


The next day, Caleesi was discharged and we brought her home. She was okay and ready to go back. She couldn't stop smiling and her smile is so contagious. I find myself smiling without knowing it.

After Darin broke into the house, Mrs. And Mr. Gray added more security cameras outside the house and hired 2 more security guards assigned outside to make their daughter feel come safe. Her room was cleaned up too.

"Sometime I keep forgetting you can see now," Annie said, face palming herself when she tried to lead Caleesi in like she always does.

We laugh a little, thinking about all those months were we always stay by her side. Now, she won't need us to lead her around.

"O my god," Caleesi said when we entered and found Hunter laying his doggy bed, his leg wrapped up. That night the bastard was here, he stabbed Hunter when it tried to protect Caleesi. Hunter is such a brave dog.

Hunter perks up upon hearing her voice, wagging his tail. Caleesi looked so heartbroken as she sits down beside her dog.

"Oh, my baby." She pats his head lovingly as she rests his head on her lap like always. "I missed you, boy. I'm glad you're okay." 

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