Chapter 9: Unexpected Visitors

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Chapter 9: Unexpected Visitors

"Has he been treating you well?" Nani asked me over the phone 2 months later. I was sitting on the bench, taking my precious time in enjoying nature.

"Yes, he has," I smile, knowing she can't see me.

Archer was busy mowing the lawn so he can't hear what I'm saying. Everyone is busy doing something while I'm just sitting here. Occasionally, I would hear Annie and Gwen squeal in excitement. It was something about Archer taking his shirt off and showing his abs.


I'm missing out on that.

How unlucky am I?

"Will you be able to come next month?" I asked her hopefully.

"I'm not sure, dear," She sighs, "People my age are not allowed to travel right now and the coronvirus is spreading fast like rumours. Our area is on strict lockdown. It might take longer before things get back to normal."

"I see," I answer, sad at the thought of not seeing her and my parents for months.

I've always been such a rude brat to my parents, but I still love them no matter what I say. I want more than anything for them to come home. Since its quarantine, maybe...just maybe then we could finally spend time together. But it sucks that they're stuck in another country and can't come back yet.

Until then, I'm stuck here...with Archer.

But I don't mind anymore.


I have been working for the Gray family for about 5 years alongside Nanny Grace. Their mansion is huge and luxurious. It was everything I have dreamt of having when I was younger, but because of my carelessness, I found myself dropping out of college and my own family disowned me. I was nothing but a burden... a disappointment to them. So they shut me out and wanted nothing to do with me. Like a dog gone astray.

They abandoned me.

Nanny Grace found me at my worst and with the help of the Gray Family, they gave me a job and a home. They fed me and encouraged me. Just when I was about to give up on myself and life, they took me in and treated me like family. They helped me get back on my feet and study again. For that, I am forever grateful.

Here I was wiping the windows overlooking the garden where Caleesi was sitting at. I smile to myself as I wipe, thinking about how different she is now. She is slowly becoming the girl she was when I first met her. When I first met her a few years ago, she was very kind to me and her smile would brighten our days. We all loved her and her goofiness. But then one day, that side of her disappeared.

She shut everyone out and there was a time where she tried to take her own life. It reminded me of myself when I was kicked out of my home by my own family. I slowly started to be myself again and I sincerely hope she finds herself again.

"O my god," Gwen breathed, fanning herself with her hand. I look at her weirdly, asking, "What?"

"Look," she points outside, "Archer is smoking hot!"

I look out and caught Archer removing his white shirt, exposing his rock hard abs before continuing to mow the lawn. He was freaking hot and I just want to touch his abs.

Shit. I need to find me a boyfriend.

Shaking my head, I snap my eyes at Gwen, hissing at her, "Scrub the windows harder."

"Okay okay," She said quickly, going back to clean the windows while I sneakily take another look at the hottie down below.

He was mowing the lawn, freaking shirtless in front of Caleesi who is not even aware. My knees are weak at that heavenly sight and she's there just patting Hunter on the head.

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