Chapter 11: Good News

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Chapter 11: Good News

"Hi baby," My mom greeted me happily over the phone.

"Hey mom," I greet back, sitting up since I just woke up.

It is currently 7 in the morning and my mom decided to call me very early today. She seems to be in a good mood right now. I place my feet onto the floor, feeling the coolness of it.

"I have good news for you," She said, sounding excited.

"Oh, what is it?" I asked, trying to not sound too excited.

"So we've checked with hospitals here," She informed me, "A girl your age, named Angela, had died due to kidney disease, but before she died, she wanted her good organs to be given to other patients who need it. Her eyes will be donated to you."

Mom was sobbing as she speaks. I couldn't help but let a single tear drop down my face. A young soul has left too soon. And the fact that she wants to donate her organs to others so that they could live just warms my heart.

"Thank you," I smiled, thinking about that sweet angel.

"We can't bring it to you since we're still in a pandemic," Mom said, sounding sad. "So they'll send it. It should arrive in 2-3 days then you'll have your surgery."

"Wish we could be there for you, baby," I heard dad say, making me smile.

How I miss them so much right now.

"I wish that too," I sigh quietly.

"Cheer up, sweetie," He adds, "We'll be together again soon."

"Anyways, Aunt Melinda is here," I inform them, standing up to stretch.

"What? When did she go there?" Mom asked.

"Yesterday?" I answered, feeling around for my small remote to call for Archer.

"Ugh, I didn't know that. If she is being a bother," She uttered, annoyed, "Tell me, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am," I answered quietly.

"We got to go. Love you, baby," They said and we ended the call. I smile to myself, happy and thankful that we got eye donations. I can't wait to see everything again.

I can't wait to see Archer.


Lying in the garden, I enjoy the weather. Today, I am in a very good mood. I couldn't stop smiling after the phone call with mom and dad. It was indeed good news. Opening my eyes, I stare up into the sky. I see nothing but darkness, but soon, I'll be seeing many colours again.

Thank you, Angela. Because of you, I get to see the world again. I thought to myself, thinking about the girl who has given me a chance to see things again. I will live for you.

"Hey beautiful," Archer said suddenly, making me jump in surprise.

"Ugh, you scared me," I hiss at him, lying back down.

"Someone is in a good mood," He comments, lying down beside me.

"I am," I grin happily. "I get to see again!"

"Really? That's good!" Archer said happily, "I am happy for you, Arrow."

"Me too! Because I can finally hit you," I remind him, remembering what I told him that time I was treating his wound.

"Ey, you don't mean that," He chuckles deeply.


I couldn't stop smiling at Caleesi's smiling face. She looked so happy and I want to see her that way every day. My prayer that she can see again is going to come true soon and I can't wait to be there when that happens.

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