Chapter 17: The Untold Truth

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Chapter 17: The Untold Truth


I stand by the car as I wait for Caleesi to come back. She has been so distant from me lately and never allowed me to explain myself. I had so much to tell her if only she would let me.

The truth is that when I came here, I intended to take care of her if it means grandma can pay for my ticket. I'll fly back home once it is safe to travel or at least till flights are available. That was what I had in mind when I came here.

But...when I saw her, I knew it was going to be hard. She was so different compared to other girls I have met in my entire life. She made me feel happy and all sorts of crazy. I have to admit, I started to fall deeply in love with her. I started wanting her and I had second thoughts of my real intention. I wasn't sure if I wanted to leave, because now I had a reason to stay.

My reason to stay was her.

When I met up with Sloan, I know it was a bad idea. She wouldn't like me talking to her ex best friend. But after knowing the real truth behind her loss of sight, I just had to go, thinking I could bring justice to her. If no one believed her, I did. I would never talk to her ex best friend unless I had a reason to.

Taking my phone out, I look at the sound recording I have when I was with Sloan that day. She never expected me to do this.


Pulling out my phone, I check the time before pressing the sound recorder icon. I click on record before putting my phone away, acting as if I was really interested in talking to her. I asked her questions and too my surprise, Sloan answered without hesitation which was a wrong move. She is too dumb to realize I was recording everything she said which could be used as evidence against her.

Once I got all that I need, I left her and went to the hospital. I didn't even know she was trying to set me up, to take a picture of make me look like a bad guy.


I am loyal to Caleesi no matter what.

The day Aunt Melinda was murdered, I went to the police station to give that evidence to authorities. If no one believed Caleesi before, they will now because Sloan admitted to everything on that recording. Caleesi doesn't know this yet. They added more years to her time in prison.

"I want to go home," Caleesi said tiredly when she came out.

I open her door, putting a hand over her head so she doesn't hurt herself when she gets it. I guess it's a habit I have since I always helped her into the cars when she was still blind.

She was always smiling before, but now...she's not.

I would do anything for her to be happy again.

We got into the car and we drove out of the place. She had her eyes on her phone the entire ride and didn't know I was taking her somewhere else. If we head home now, she will lock herself up in her room and shut everyone out.

"What are we doing here?" She asked me, seeing that we are at the boulevard.

"To take a deep breath," I told her softly, stepping out of the car while she looks at me in confusion.

I go stand at the side, looking at the sky. The sun is about to set in a few minutes. It has been such a long time since I last came here. I would come here when I needed air or just to cool off.

So much has happened this past few months, we deserve this.

Especially her.

Caleesi steps out of the car reluctantly, coming over to me as I sat down on the rock that face towards the ocean. She sighs quietly, removing her face mask, closing her eyes as she inhales fresh air coming from the ocean. A small smile makes its way up to her beautiful face and I couldn't turn away.

"Arrow, I'm sorry," I blurt out, gazing at her.

"You don't have to be sorry," She shrugged nonchalantly, "You can like whoever you want, talk to whoever you want. We are not dating anyway."

"No, listen," I grab her hand, making her look at me with an arched brow. "I don't like Sloan. I like you. I love you more than words can describe."

She stares at me, trying to pull away from me but I hold her closer. I am not letting her go until she hears me out. I need to let it out because it is killing me the more I wait. She looks up at me with those beautiful blue eyes.

"Even if you do," She utters quietly, "...You will leave me once you can. So let go of me."

She pulls away from me, turning around. It was quiet except for the sound of the bird flying over the sea and the sound of wind coming in from the ocean. With her back to me, I wonder what I will do to make her believe me. I do not want to be separated from her. My heart was angry when I was without her. Seeing her every day, my heart says that it is coloured in her colours. I love her and want her to be mine. This woman has got me falling for her charms, she makes me feel this unusual feeling- it aches my heart. This feeling which I can't explain, I will just be brave enough to admit that I have fallen for her.

Even I can't believe it. Who would have thought I would fall for her? I never planned on it. It just happened, but I don't regret it.

I walk up to her, hugging her from behind as she stares at the setting sun.

"Before I met you," I told her softly, resting my head on her shoulder without removing my arms from around her waist. "I was not in a good place. I thought leaving this stupid city would be easy because I have no one. I distanced myself from my mother and only ever wanted to go back home. Nothing ever mattered until I met you. I didn't have a reason to stay, but now I do. I want to stay here with you, Arrow. I have fallen in love with you. I love you."

Falling in love with her was the easy part; admitting it to myself that it happened...that is what's hard.

"I love you too, Archer," She said before turning around, "But I don't want our love to keep you from doing what you really wanted to do in the first place."

I chuckle, "It is not. I want to stay with you."

A smile makes its way up her face, reaching her eyes and I smile back at her. My heart was beating fast again and I couldn't help but lean down, my eyes focused on her pink lips. She doesn't move away and this time, she leans forward, meeting my lips. Her lips against mine were just...pure bliss.

We pull apart and she grins, her good hand on her cheek as it heats up. She is cute whenever she blushes hard. Whenever she smiles at me, I feel invisible hands wrapping around me, making me feel safe. When those blue eyes land on mine, it's like I can see stars and galaxies instead of just pupils. Falling in love with her was like entering a house and finally realizing I'm home.

"You're cute when you blush," I teased and she shakes her head.

"Shut up," She hits me, running back to the car while I laugh at how cute she is.


We were on our way home when Caleesi looked at me curiously, "If you didn't like Sloan, then why were you with her in the first place?"

I reach into my pocket, pulling out my phone. I tell her to play the first recording and at first, she looked confused until she heard what was being said. I take a glance at her, seeing her jaw drop. When we reached the mansion, I take the phone away from her and she looks at me.

"I took this that day with her," I explained. "And that day Aunt Melinda...was gone, I went to the police station to give this evidence to them. They have added more years to Sloan's sentence because of the evidence. I did this because I believe you, Arrow."

She looks at me and I panic a little when she starts to cry out of the blue. I put a hand on her shoulder, "What's wrong?"

She shakes her head, "Nothing. I am just...touched. Thank you for everything, Archer."

I laugh at her, pulling her in for a hug, saying, "It's okay. Justice is served now let's leave it behind and move on."

She gives me a smile, nodding. We both get out of the car and entered the mansion. Annie had already prepared dinner so I didn't have to. We both sat down and we all eat our dinner.

There came a knock on the door.

Gwen immediately rushes to open the door.

"Nanny Grace?" 

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