fifty eight

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jordan opened her eyes, forgetting where she was for a second before becoming accustomed to the dark interior of her dorm.

"jordan- jordan wake up." she heard and looked over to see daphne clutching her wand, a soft glow emitting from the tip.

"daph?" jordan asked and daphne looked towards the door.

"i heard something out there. it woke me up, it sounded like muffled screams." she said, her lip quivering. 

jordan pulled on a robe and grabbed her wand, holding it up in defense as she crept into the dark and quiet hallway.

shadows danced around her figure as she moved silently down the hall and into the even darker common room.

there was almost no movement, and jordan almost found it fine, until a flicker caught her eye.

she cast expelliarmus and caught the wand of a random death eater.

"who the fuck are you?" she growled, looking between him and the little third year he was holding onto.

"none of your damn business." he hissed back and jordan looked at the scared girl, her almond eyes wide in fear.

"let go of her and nobody's going to get hurt." jordan said in her steely voice.

the man just look at her with a snarl. "your little boyfriend's pact can't protect the younger years." he said and jordan matched his snear.

"he can't but i can." jordan hissed, casting cruciatus. 

the man withered in pain, screaming out, but jordan was quicker and cast a silencing charm.

"go get jackie!" jordan said to the girl and she didn't waste time running to the dorm.

a few seconds later, the strawberry blonde girl ran into the common room, her wand lighting up the scene in front of her.

she saw the man withering in silent pain in front of her best friend, who was glaring coldly at him, her face almost twitching into a cold smile.

"jordan!" jackie said, coming in so suddenly that jordan stopped the curse and pointed her wand at jackie.

her gaze was wild, she was losing control.

"jordan, what are you doing?" jackie asked in a soft voice, getting jordan to drop her wand.

"i-i don't know." jordan mumbled, stumbling a little bit.

"oh jords." jackie said, pulling her into a tight hug.

when she let go, jordan turned to the man.

"i'll ask you this only once, and if i don't like the answer some bad things will happen." jordan said harshly, looking at the man panting on the ground.

he met her peircing green eyes, ready for the question.

"what were you planning on doing to that poor girl?" jordan asked and he groaned in pain.

"she was a half-blood, can't-contaminate-house." he hissed out, his pain almost making him black out.

"you're disgusting." jordan hissed, stepping hard down on his windpipe.

the man gasped for air before jackie levitated him out of the common room so he could die in the hall.

when the girl came back in, jordan smiled gratefully at her.

"thank you." jordan said but jackie's face didn't change.

"jordan you need help." the girl said, pushing past her to go back to sleep.

the dark haired witch sighed and decided she needed to go talk or make out with draco.

she quietly made her way up to his dorm before opening the door and whispering his name, not wanting to wake up blaise or crabbe or goyle.

"jordan?" she heard a mumbled voice say and she looked into the room to find her boyfriend laying in bed.

"draco." jordan whispered back, moving over to him and he sat up.

"what's going on? are you okay?" he asked and she shook her head.

"no." she mumbled and he pulled her close, letting her bury her face in his neck.

"stay with me tonight." he whispered and jordan let out a hum in response.

she crawled next to him and he put his arm around her.

"you know, we just passed a year on the first." draco mumbled sleepily.

"i killed a man tonight." she whispered back and his eyes popped open.

"what?" he asked, sitting up and jordan sighed.

"he was trying to take this third year, she looked so scared draco, all because she was a half-blood in slytherin. i get we don't like them but there's no need to kill them. especially not third year little girls." jordan said and draco nodded.

"why didn't you get me?" he asked and jordan shrugged, thinking back to the first person she called was jackie.

"i got jackie. she left his body in the hallway, outside the common room." she said and he shook his head.

"this is a morning problem. get some sleep jords." he said, laying back down and jordan sighed.

"alright." she said finally, deciding he was right.

the two stayed close, holding onto each other like it was the last thing they would ever do.

draco's breathing soon became unsteady and jordan woke up to see tears falling down his face.

she wiped them away and he looked at her, eyes filled with fear.

"i had a nightmare, i lost you." he said and jordan placed a small kiss on his lips.

"you won't love." she reassured him and he frowned.



they linked their pinky's as they fell asleep once again.


hi! its my first full chapter on my new laptop (i think)

anyways, happy new years! i hope you guys had a great end of the year and i hope you have an even better new years <3


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