twenty four

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"owls!" some first year called the next morning at breakfast.

jordan looked up from her french novel to see dozens of owls flying in with letters and schedules.

a dark brown one dropped jordans schedule in front of her before dropping another one to some other student, draco.

"damn it. stupid minnie, i just want one year i don't have class with bloody gryffindors." jordan complained, making daphne and jackie laugh.

"i'm with mostly slytherins and ravenclaws."
daphne said and jordan groaned.

"that's because you're smart." jordan said and daphne laughed as jordan banged her head on the table.

"problems miss jones?" snape asked, coming over, an amused look on his face.

"actually professor, could you please have a word with dear minnie, i seem to only keep class with gryffindors and it's quite annoying." jordan told her professor and his mouth twitched up.

"yeah professor, she keeps giving me classes with gryffindors. i would rather not see potter's annoying face every class and listen to granger be an insufferable know it all." draco chimed in.

"malfoy, don't be bitter just because a girl is smarter than you. she's actually quite nice." jordan said, sticking up for the girl. "however, i could also go without seeing scar face every class."

snape just shook his head. "you two need to be careful. things are changing around here."

"yeah, that stupid pink puffball is trying to take over the school." jordan said, nodding to umbridge.

snape just shook his head and left the great hall.

"jj, i think she heard you." jackie said, looking over at the teachers table.

"good. maybe then she'll know i'm not afraid of her." jordan said, having a staring contest with the teacher.

they soon broke eye contact and the girl decided to leave.

"i have herbology first. i'll see you guys later." she bid and started walking.

"jonesie!" she heard someone yell and looked back to see cody and shawn standing in the middle of the hall.

tears came to her eyes as she walked quickly towards them, gathering them into a big hug.

"cody, shawn." she mumbled, holding onto them tightly.

"jordan, our princess." shawn laughed quietly, tears in his eyes.

cody didn't even try to speak because he knew he would cry.

jordan let go but stayed close to them, a tear falling down her face.

"what's your first class jonesie? let us walk you." shawn asked and jordan choked on her words.

"her-herbology." she choked out and cody nodded, linking their arms.

"then to the greenhouses we're going." shawn said with a small smile. "ced would've wanted us to make sure you're okay jordan. we can't leave our princess without her knights."

at this jordans tears became more noticeable.

"i love you guys. truely." she said and they walked out of the great hall.

they stayed quiet, soaking in each other's presence like a sponge.

when they finally got to the greenhouses jordan gave them a big hug.

"i love you both so much. i'm sorry i never wrote over the summer, it was just hard." she apologized and cody smiled at her.

"it's okay jj, we understand." he said and shawn nodded.

"he's right. it was hard for us to write each other. i was supposed to stay with him this summer, help him prepare for life." shawn said, tears falling down his face.

cody nodded before looking at jordans necklace and sobbing.

"jords, he asked me for my opinion on a necklace. i never knew he was going to give it to you oh god." he said, making jordan cry.

"i love it. he loved it too." she said, wiping her tears, then wiping cody's tears.

"you are so strong jordan, you're going to do amazing things. please be safe this year okay?" shawn asked and jordan nodded.

"of course. i love you both and have a good year." she said, giving them final hugs before going into the greenhouse.

the two boys also went to their class, shawn holding onto cody.

"jones, i don't understand." draco said as she took a place next to him.

"understand what?" she asked and he looked at her.

"i've never heard you say i love you before but now you threw it out thrice to the hufflepuff boys." he commented and she narrowed her eyes.

"so i'm not allowed to say i love you to my best friends?" she challenged and draco inhaled sharply.

instead of answering, he studied her face. he could see her beautiful green eyes were bloodshot and puffy, then he noticed the bags under them. her face seemed paler than usual and she was frowning. at him.

"no, never mind, i don't know what i'm saying." he said, letting it go.

he didn't want to cause the girl anymore stress than what she had been through already.

"yeah." she said, looking down at her book.

professor sprout soon started class but draco wasn't paying attention, his focus was on the girl next to him.

she was just so unhappy and he hates that. he thought she deserved the world and the world was nowhere near hogwarts.

"mister malfoy. are you listening?" sprout asked, causing the attention of the class to be turned to him.

draco being the boy he is, gave her a cool look and nodded.

"of course professor." he said and she looked at him once more before continuing on.

"why are you staring at me malfoy?"

and he was caught.

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