twenty three

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the sorting ceremony and dinner went, well, interesting jordan thought. their new defense against the darks arts teacher was a pink puffball from the ministry.

the pink puffball was apparently planning on changing some things, and jordan didn't like the tone of her voice, or that little smirk.

"jones, i don't know if i can handle another year at this place. might transfer to durmstrang if this fool we call a headmaster keep hiring morons to teach defense." draco said, coming up to me as we walked away from the great hall.

"you and me both." jordan said, making him grin.

the two walked back to their common room chatting about the upcoming year.

"i think they would be a cute couple." jackie whispered to daphne and blaise as they walked behind the pair.

"yeah, if only they could see how cute they would be." daphne laughed, blaise's arm wrapped around her waist.

"i could see them together by the end of seventh year. we just have to give it time." blaise said.

all three of them were on the same page.

meanwhile, jordan and draco were arguing.

"the irish are so much better than puddlemere." jordan stated and draco shook his head.

"puddlemere is the best jones. i don't know what has clouded your judgement to think the irish are better." draco argued back and jordan shook her head, looking at him like he was crazy.

"you're insane malfoy. listen to my words. puddlemere. sucks." jordan stated and he laughed at her.

"you suck." he said before he realized what he said.

"what did you say?" goyle asked draco in a menacing voice.

"wait i didn't mean it like that. you're really cool." he corrected and jordans glare fell and she started laughing.

"you should've seen your face!" she giggled and he glared at the two who high fived.

"heh hem!" the pink puffball said, stepping in front of the slytherin group.

"can i help you?" jordan asked, all joking gone from her voice.

"all students are supposed to be in their common rooms after dinner." umbridge said in a sickly sweet voice.

"we were just heading there. or do you not have eyes?" jordan shot and the pink puffballs face hardened before going back to her fake smile.

"you're going to be trouble miss jones. but no matter, i'll be sure to straighten you out." she said and jordan sneered at her.

"do try. my father will bear about you, pink puffball." jordan sneered and draco looked at her in a new light.

"come on jones." goyle said, pulling her past the puffball to the stairs leading to the dungeons.

"that was amusing." draco said with a smirk as they entered the common room.

"yeah i bet. jordan you can't go doing that to teachers no matter how much you hate them." goyle said as jordan lounged in a chair.

"she's going to be a problem this year. i can feel it." jordan said closing her eyes and feeling the darkness wash over her.

it was scary, she didn't want to be dark, but she didn't want to give into dumbledores bumbling idiots either.

"i think it was great. the moron from the ministry is going to get what's coming for her." draco said, sitting like royalty on his chair.

"yeah, she's in for it." astoria said, making jordans eyes pop open.

"astoria? what the bloody hell?" jordan mumbled to daphne and jackie as the younger girl was all over draco.

"this is going to be an interesting year." jackie said.

the group continued to chat before jordan let out a yawn.

"i think i'm going to sleep. this has already been such an eventful day. need to prepare to kick some ass tomorrow." jordan said standing up and waving goodnight to her friends.

"night jones." draco waved and she nodded, continuing up to her room.

once she got there, she closed her eyes and started crying.

it was too much for her. she was seeing cedric everywhere. on the train, at dinner, in the halls. it was so painful being back at the school.

she didn't see cody or shawn on the train and it was too busy to see them at dinner, but she felt herself slipping away from them.

she didn't want to, they were her closest reminders of her best friend and she wanted to hang on to them for as long as possible.

if only cedric was there though. he would make her feel better. he would be a good big brother and comfort her when she felt lost. he would judge her for her actions but for the reasons behind them.

he was her rock and suddenly crumbled away.

wiping her eyes, she played with the necklace. it soothed her soul a little bit.

she finally sighed, finished with her breakdown and went to change and get ready for bed.

by the time jordan came out of the bathroom, jackie and daphne were back.

"i don't know jackie. she said it's going to be different. i'm scared." daphne whispered and then saw jordan, her smile brightening.

"hey guys. i'm just getting ready to sleep." jordan said, crawling into her bed, drawing the curtains and turning off the light.

"alright. night jj, we love you." jackie said, daphne repeating the same thing.

"love you guys too."

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