twenty six

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as the week went on, jordan forgot she had detention that friday.

"i can't believe it's the first week and you have detention already." daphne said at dinner that friday.

"it's not right. draco should be the one serving detention." jackie said, shooting a glare at the boy.

jordan placed a hand on her friends arm. "it's okay jackie, how bad can it be? she's just a stupid pink mindless ministry puffball." jordan said, giving her friend a reassuring smile.

"jackie's right jones. i should be serving detention." malfoy said, cutting into their conversation from down the table.

"it'll be fine malfoy. she's pretty much harmless right?" jordan asked with a cool smile.

"at least let me walk you after dinner." he said and jordan nods.

"alright deal." she said, turning back to her plate, scattered only with some carrots, mashed turnips, and a little bit of chicken.

she finished her plate quickly, wanting to get the evening over with already.

"ready?" draco asked, coming over to her and she nodded.

"be safe, hex her if she tries to hurt you jj!" daphne called after the two and jordan turned around to give her a nod.

draco and jordan made it out of the great hall when draco cleared his throat.

"i don't understand you jordan." he said and the tip of jordans nose grew pink, her cheeks following behind.

she did love when he said her name.

"and why's that?" she asked with a small grin on her face.

draco shook his head. "one minute you are so enticing, and the next you're a completely different person. you act like a true slytherin and other times you are one of nicest people in the school. i don't get you."

jordan just looked at him before sighing.

"sometimes i do feel like a completely different person. there are times when i'm so torn, so conflicted about right and wrong. what if we're wrong? what if our parents are wrong? i don't want to be defined by what side i chose in the war, or what other people have heard. i'm myself and want to be difined as i am. i'm a slytherin, a true slytherin. i do enjoy random acts of kindness but i'm also ambitious and cunning. maybe you see them as two different sides, and sometimes they feel like it. but it's who i am draco." jordan ranted as they came into view of the dark arts room.

"you're a mystery jordan, but i do love that about you. anyways, i'll see you after detention. thank you again." he said, putting a hand on jordans shoulder.

the girl just gave him a small smile before finishing the journey herself.

"miss jones! not a minute late, please have a seat. today you'll be writing lines." umbridge said, nodding to the desk.

jordan sat down, getting a quill out of her bag before umbridge grabbed it from her and snapped it.

"no no, you'll be using my quill." she said in her high pitched, annoyingly sweet voice, nodding to the quill in front of jordan.

"where's the ink?" jordan asked and the woman just smiled and went to her own desk, grading work.

jordan rolled her eyes and took the quill, writing what was written at the top of the paper.

'i will not correct the teacher'

it wasn't until the fourth letter her hand started to hurt, and she looked at the paper, seeing bright red ink.

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