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"dad!" scorpio cried as he leap from the train to his dads arms.

"hey buddy! how was your first year? your mom and i weren't expecting you to stay there for christmas." draco asked his son, ruffling his hair while scorpio tried swatting his hands away.

"it was so great! i have so much to tell you! i saw all your pictures and trophies on the walls of the common room!" scorpio said, proud to be his son.

a warm feeling blossomed in draco's chest as he looked at his son before smiling and walking off towards their car.

"well your grandmother's coming to dinner tonight. so, when we get home i want you to scrub up all good and then we'll eat, okay?" draco asked and his son nodded absentmindedly, waving goodbye to his friends and calling out promises of writing to them.

the ride back to the famous malfoy manor was quiet, draco not wanting to hear all the exciting stories without his wife and his mom to also listen to them.

after the malfoy family had gotten ready for dinner and were served, scorpio finally started talking about his latest adventures.

"albus and i actually outsmarted peeves this year!" he laughed, lemon just smiling at him and sipping wine while draco laughed with his son.

"that almost reminds me of a time where peeves locked me in a broom cupboard with-" he stopped himself and a sad look crossed his face.

"jordan?" scorpio asked and all the adults turned to look at him in shock.

"how do you know her name honey?" narcissa asked him and he smiled.

"she's in all the pictures in the common room! there are so many with dad and aunt daph and aunt jackie!" scorpio said, leaving out the most important part.

"they didn't take them down?" lemon asked draco and he shrugged.

"i guess not." he replied and scorpio looked at draco.

"who was she to you?" he asked and draco sighed deeply.

"she was just a girl." he said and scorpio snorted.

"scorpio!" lemon scolded and draco and his mother shared a look before turning to the youngest malfoy.

"what was with that reaction scorpio?" draco asked and he shrugged.

"well that's not what she told me about you. but it's okay! she's mostly over it by now." he said and draco spit out the water he was drinking, narcissa choked on her wine, and lemon just looked at her son with wide eyes.

"what do you mean?" draco asked slowly.

"who was she dad?" scorpio shot back.

"i'm going to go do the dishes, lemon could you help?" narcissa asked and lemon silently moved everything to the kitchen where they started on the many dishes.

this left draco and scorpio to talk.

"who was she dad?" scorpio asked again and draco sighed, running his hand over his face and beckoning him to follow.

they got to draco's office where they sat.

"you remember grandpa jerry, right bud? the one who took care of you when you were younger?" draco asked and his son nodded.


draco took a deep breath, the wounds almost as fresh as they were all those years ago.

"that was her father. jordan jones. she was the slytherin princess. she turned heads everywhere she went, but not only was she one of the most powerful witches of my age but she was also the kindest. she was a force to be reckoned with in duelings and potions and just about anything. she showed me love in the purest form. even when i couldn't love myself, she was there loving me with all the darkness in my heart. jordan jones was the first person i had ever loved." draco told his son, and by the time he was finished there were tears streaming down his face.

he was holding a picture of them that he kept only in his office, back from an old christmas party, where the bright young smiles on their faces weren't forced, but rather those of pure love for each other.

"what happened to her, dad?" scorpio asked.

draco just gave the boy a small smile, tears coming more frequently now. "she did what anybody does at the end of their life, she died. do you know why you're shamed scorpio buddy?" he asked his son.

"no, why?" he asked and draco got into the very bottom of his drawer, pulling out a sheet of paper faded with time and tears.

"the last thing jj ever told me was that she loved me, and in this note right here she said she loved me to the stars. astrology was always her favorite subject, she loved looking at the stars. her favorite constellation was scorpio." he told his son, looking longingly at the paper and the picture.

"she told me." scorpio said shyly.

draco looked up suspiciously, "she told you? bud she's been dead for longer than you've been alive."

"well then not her, but her ghost. she roams the halls with peeves. they cause so many problems, but she really helped albus and i when we needed it the most." scorpio said. draco just smiled, his head far off in memories.

"of course she would become a ghost. that is so jonesie." draco mumbled before his song came around his desk to give him a hug.

"she told me to tell you that she says hi, and that she never forgot what you did after the deatheater cursed her, she just wanted you to be happy and to quote her, 'it makes my ghost heart happy to know he found love again'." scorpio told his dad, who sniffled and laughed.

"well tell her next time you see her that i miss her with my whole heart. now, go on and get ready for bed, you mum will be up shortly. i love you scorpio." draco said, sending him off to bed before he completely broke down.

of course she was a ghost, draco thought, there's no way she would leave the place she loved without getting to see the people she loved grown up and with their own families.

after wiping away tears, he got out parchment and his quill and started writing letters.

"she's back"

HEY! haven't been active on this story in quite some time, but i got sad reading another story and came back and reread this (stabbing my own heart out actually, this book traumatized me) and read some comments on my last chapter about doing a little side story about this!

i sobbed writing this (not too loud, it's like 3 am here). i started this story about 4 years ago, only because my little sister wanted "a good draco fic" and then it kinda blew up. i have never been more thankful it did because i love reading all the comment (even now 4 years later) and seeing people appreciate this story! i love you guys and i hope you enjoy this short story!



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