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seamus and jordan became quick friends, but only hanging out on weekends when neither of their houses could tease them.

one weekend, jordan was in hogsmeade with daphne and jackie, hanging out in the three broomsticks.

"and then, she looks and me and says 'i don't think i'm ready for a relationship'." jackie said finishing her story and daphne shook her head.

"that's bloody stupid, she's just scared of her parents finding out." daphne scoffed, the other girl nodding and jackie sighed.

jordan was quickly getting bored of it, casting her gaze around the pub before she saw seamus and his friend dean.

coincidentally, seamus saw her at the same time and sent a smile to her, which she returned but not unnoticed.

dean looked over to see what his friend was smiling at and saw the slytherin, then smacked his arm.

"dude." he whispered and seamus looked at him confused. "that's jordan jones."

"yeah, i know." he shook his head, taking a sip of butter beer.

"but isn't she the bitch of the school?" dean asked and seamus smiled.

"she's cool dean, when you get to know her." seamus said, looking back at the girl who was listening to the story her friends were telling.

"right dude." dean muttered, also watching her and her friends.

just as jordan was getting ready say she was done, seamus stood up with dean.

"um, hey guys, i'm going to go uh, into zonko's." jordan said, tossing down some coins and grabbing her bag, running out before someone said they would go with her.

once she was out the door she called, "hey seamus!"

seamus and dean stopped and seamus turned around, seamus smiling at her.

"jonesie!" seamus grinned giving her a hug.

when they let go, jordan had the biggest smile on her face and seamus was also grinning.

"jj, this is dean thomas." seamus introduced, jordan giving him a small smile while he nodded.

"heard a lot about you." dean told her, continuing on.

jordan looked at seamus who gave her an awkward smile. "sorry."

she just shrugged and they followed him into zonko's.

"jordan!" the twins called as soon as she set foot in the place.

"oh no." she groaned, shaking her head.

"hey there jordan." fred said, trapping her on one side.

"fancy meeting you here." george finished, trapping her on the other side.

"i have nothing to say to you both." jordan said and moved away, following seamus around.

"how do you know the twins?" dean asked once she came back up to seamus and him.

jordan just sighed and shook her head. "this summer we were at the world cup and they kind of saved me." she told them and dean scoffed.

"so that's how you repay them? guess everyone's right." dean asked and jordan narrowed her eyes.

"no, actually dean, i've thanked them more than i've ever in my life. but i drew the bloody line at calling them my ginger knights." jordan told them, glaring at dean.

dean just shook his head. "doesn't change the fact you're the biggest bitch in the school." he told her.

she just smirked at him and leaned in close, "you know what dean? bitches get stuff done, maybe that's why i'm close to the top of the class." she said harshly before storming out.

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