fifty nine

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the year was different, not only was everyone preparing for newts, but also the inescapable war.

everyday, a new family was murdered. everyday, jordan heard cries out through the great hall.

"i don't think snape knows what to do about this." daphne whispered one breakfast.

jordan nodded, watching a hufflepuff girl collapse in her seat before shifting her gaze to the snow gently falling outside.

it was getting colder outside, the weather reflecting everyone's mood.

jordan looked over at jackie who narrowed her eyes at the girl. jackie hadn't spoken to her since the incident in the common room months ago, and it made jordan sad.

"just go talk to her. it's driving all of us crazy." daphne said nudging the girl and jordan shook her head.

"she doesn't want to talk to me. i can feel her rage almost radiating towards me." the dark haired girl said and daphe rolled her eyes.

just as she was getting ready to rant, draco swooped in to save the day.

"good morning jords. daph." he said, pecking jordan on the cheek.

the girl gave him a thankful smile as he grabbed an apple and bit into it.

the three sat by themselves, jordan watching the students in the great hall before standing up to go to class.

"you think she's going to be okay?" daphne asked draco who sighed.

"she's plotting something. i can feel the gears in her head turning." he replied before following her.

once both of them were out, daphne moved next to jackie. 

"okay, what the hell is going on with you? first you break up with pansy, and now fighting with jordan? what's wrong?" daphne questioned and jackie blushed a little red.

"things aren't as they seem daph. i found jordan's journal. i think she's being controlled." jackie explained and daphne shook her head.

"you read through her journal?" she asked in disbelief.

jackie held her hands up in defense. "after she killed that man, i felt something wrong. i'm just observing to see if her behavior changes again." 

"jackie, you are kind of messed up, but in a caring way. i understand that you want to see what happens and will be there when it does, but wouldn't it be easier to help being close to her?" daphne asked and the strawberry blonde shrugged.

"maybe once i know for sure, but until then i'll be here watching." jackie finalized and daphne sighed.

the two girls sat in silence before daphne stood up. 

"i'm going back to sleep. can you wake me up for lunch?" she asked and jackie shrugged.

"sure, no promises though. i told you it was a bad idea to stay up late writing cody." jackie called out as the girl walked away.

soon, it was just the girl there, everyone else getting up and leaving for class.

"miss levisque. i believe you have a potions class to get to." snape said, walking past jackie, making her sigh and stand up.

"right." she mumbled and followed him out before turning and heading down to the dungeons.

"jackie, bold of you to join us." slughorn said and jackie just waved him off, taking her seat and getting out the ingrediants for some potion the old man up front had picked out.

"i heard they're hunting for horcruxes." she heard a whisper and turned to see a ravenclaw girl gossiping with her hufflepuff partner.

"who is?" jackie asked and the ravenclaw glared at her.

"why would i tell you? you'd probably just go blab to he-who-wont-be-named. you probably have the mark now." she sneered and jackie just rolled her eyes.

in all honestly, she was sick of all this house prejudice, especially since all slytherins had apparently been named death eaters.

jackie had to stop a group of fifth years picking on two first year slytherins a couple days ago. it was even worse when she had to explain to them why the older kids always glared at them and muttered harsh things.

it was almost enough to make the house start committing all the bad things.

but jackie refrained, knowing it would just make all the other houses hate them even more.

just as she started stirring her potion, a note landed on her lap.

"psst, it's from jones." a random kid said and jackie looked up to see the dark haired girl staring at her.

jackie sighed before opening the note.

we need to talk, astronomy tower at midnight

jackie took a deep breath before looking back and giving her one short, quick nod.

the rest of jackies lessons went by quickly, but the closer to midnight it got, the more nervous jackie became.

what if jordan tried to hurt her? 

she tried pushing those thoughts away but they lingered in the back of her subconsious.

by the time eleven thirty rolled around, jackie started to slowly make her way to the tower, avoiding prefects and the head boy as she moved stealthy, blending into the night.

she was the first one to get there.

just as the time hit twelve, the door opened and jordan strolled in.

"i hope you have a good reason for making me loose sleep over this." jackie started and jordan held up her hand.

"i know i scared you, i'm sorry. i never meant for it to go that far, i just lost control." jordan rambled and jackie nodded.

"damn right you scared me, what was i supposed to think? my best friend literally killed someone." she said and jordan looked down.

"you're right. i'm sorry. i just needed to talk to you." she said and jackie motioned for her to sit on the ground with her.

"so talk."

jordan inhaled deeply and for a second, jackie saw the image of the girl she first met, the one who's only concern was who was taking her to the yule ball.

"the war, draco isn't coming back after easter break, so the dark lord wants me to be the inside man but i can't. i don't even want to be a death eater. i just want to be normal." jordan said, her eyes filling up with tears.

jackie watched helplessly as jordan's tears started falling.

"so don't! life is about choices jords, it doesn't matter if you make the choice he wants you to make, it matters what you want to make." jackie exclaimed and jordan shook her head.

"he'll kill you, and my father, and daph, and draco, and everyone i care about! i can't make the choice i want to make. i just want to run away and hide forever in a little flower shop in paris." jordan sobbed and jackie moved closer to hug her.

"he can try. daph and i have a plan jords. we won't let him hurt us." jackie said, making jordan look up.


"pink promise."




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