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"bye mum! see you next year!" jordan jones called to her mom as the train started to slowly roll away from the station, on the way to the magical school only know as hogwarts.

"jonesie! jj! jordan! my love!" her best friend cedric diggory called, towering over most of the students to get to the dark haired beauty.

"ced! i missed you!" jordan said, giving the older boy a hug.

"i missed you too! c'mon, the guys are waiting for us in the cabin." cedric told her, taking her hand and pulling her towards the train cabin where the rest of her friends were.

"hey guys!" cedric said, making all the guys wave and hug jordan.

"jonesie! i missed you!" shawn, one of her friends that was above her year said, giving her the last hug.

"missed you too shawn. now, can i please sit down?" she asked, laughing a little bit.

a few of the guys moved over to let jordan sit down.

"hey cody." a blonde said, stepping into the compartment.

"hey zara." the boy said, making jordan and cedric roll their eyes.

the girl sat on cody's lap and they started snogging almost immediately.

soon, another blonde came in and started talking to the boys.

"how can you guys hang out with her. she's a slytherin and we're hufflepuffs." the girl whispered harshly to shawn, loud enough for jordan to hear her.

"get out." shawn said, pointing to the door.


"get. the fuck. out." shawn glared and the girls bottom lip quivered but she got out.

jordan sent a grateful smile to him and went back to her book.

this was a normal occurence for her unfortunately, she only hung out with her friends, which were all hufflepuffs and she was a slytherin.

it made no sense to her why she was in slytherin. she could be manipulative sometimes but other than that, she wasn't cunning or ambitious. she was just jordan jones.

"jj. hey, snap out of it." cody said, swatting at her.

"huh?" she asked, looking up, her forest green eyes catching the last of the light streaming through the window.

"we're almost at hogwarts. i think you probably need to go change." cedric told her with a laugh.

she smiled. "right, i'll be back."

and with that, she stood up and grabbed her green and black robes, heading to the bathroom.

she quickly changed then opened the door and got out, running into a boy.

"hey, watch where you're going!" she said, glaring at the gryffindor boy who ran into her.

he looked down and hurried away.

little did she know, that caught to attention of another slytherin with his friends.

"goyle, who's that girl?" draco asked his friend who shrugged.

"which one?" the fat child asked and draco nodded to the dark haired girl moving back to the compartment she was in with her friends.

"her." he said and his two mates laughed.

"jordan jones? the slytherin who refuses to believe she's actually in slytherin?" pansy parkinson asked draco, laughing.

"how come i've never seen her before?" he asked, watching as she cast a small glance in their direction before hurrying back into the compartment.

"she only hangs out with her little hufflepuff friends, diggory, daniels, and jackson. i heard she's rooming with daphne and jackie." blaise told him with a nudge.

"interesting." draco said before going back to glaring at other houses.

jordan shut the door the compartment and sighed.

"what's up jonesie?" cedric asked laughing as she sat down.

"i've been spotted by my house. why can't they leave me alone?" she sighed, leaning against the wall.

"i mean, they are your house. are you still friends with daphne?" shawn asked and jordan shrugged.

"kind of i guess. we're roommates and talk sometimes. but does that really make us friends?" she said and the guys laughed.

"jonesie, i can't believe you're in fourth year already. how time flies." shawn laughed, messing up her hair.

"save it you baffoon, you're the one in sixth year. and cedric's leaving this year." jordan laughed, shoving him a little.

"hey, we still have the whole year. there's a rumor of something big happening this year also." cedric smiled, putting his arm around jordan who laughed.

"yeah, it's going to be you asking out cho chang." cody smiled.

"what is it about you and fourth years ceddy boy?" jordan asked making everybody laugh at that.

"save it jj, it's not like you don't go after high years yourself." cedric told her, nodding to cody.

"one time cedric. one time." cody told him, jordan nodding along with him.

they all just laughed and talked, enjoying their last train ride all together.

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