Special note from the Author

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Hey everyone I just wanted to say a few words about this story of mine.  It was my honor in sharing this book with you all for it was something I thought I'd never do.  I mean I always doubted myself when it came to my stories.  I mean I truly without a doubt love writing but as we all know we can be our worse credicts and for awhile I was afraid to post this story let alone to put it in the watty's.  But with SO much support from all of you who have read this book made the difference.  So I just wanted to thank you all for that in means so much to me.

As you all know your probably wondering how it came about(if not just bare with me)! lol  I have always LOVED The Hunger Games and I read the books just before the first film came out.  Yes I have to say I was a late bloomer in reading the books but I made up for it and read them all before it came out.  I thought it was interesting in a perspective that Cato and Clove had a sweet and kindred friendship in the book but how it wasn't shown at all in the movie.  Which kinda bummed me out but then I thought like most writers if was that opprotunity that someone can fill in those gaps.  

I personally did not know there was a shipping of Cato and Clove until I stumbled on some videos on YouTube and it got me thinking that maybe there was something more.  For one thing I thought it would be cool to put them all in a modern place where they don't actually kill one another and find more of friendship and respect with most of THG characters.  Then I got thinking that there needed a more valulable story between Cato and Clove.  With "You Are My Mockingjay" I really wanted to put some twists in like where Clove recieves the pin instead where Katniss does in the story.  With a few other surprises that went along.

Mostly for the reason of this special note is that I could not have done this story with out all of you and for those who just feel like their story is not enough to be liked.  Don't stop that from getting your story done.  Yes we will have failure in our lives and yes you may not get great responses like you want.  But if you love the story your writing then that is all you need to keep motivated.  For that is what writing is all about.  If anyone has questions or for those of you who just want to chat: Please don't hesitate to message me at all!  

Thank you again everyone for the love and support of "You Are My Mockingjay!"  And remember Clato forever! <3


author of "You Are My Mockingjay"

You Are My Mockingjay- Watty's Finalist 2013Where stories live. Discover now