Winter Wonderland(cont. Paradise)

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She breaths in heavily against the cold air pulling her luggage closer up to her. "Yes sir I am, only question are you ready?"

Cato pats the side of his truck kinda of hard in a funny manner. "Of course I am, who did you think you where talking to?" Walking around the truck pulling in her black coat tighter on her to give him her luggage. From just the looks of it she realized everyone had like two cases full of clothes for just the five days that they'd be gone.

"Is there going to be enough room?" As she lifts up her luggage on the edge of the truck.

"Yeah I think so and if not I could always toss out Marvels stuff out on the side of the road." He said as he grabbed for her things but just then a sound came from the back seat of Cato's car shouting out the window.

"I heard that Cato!" Marvel said in almost a serious tone even though he knows he likes to do that.

"I'm just playing with you man." Cato turns to face Clove who was trying to push in her luggage farther in the truck! Here let me take that for you."
Cato says to Clove as she tried pulling her luggage on top of the truck.

"Thanks!" She said breathlessly wrapping her arms around herself. He smiles brightly and jumps down the truck where he stands but inches from her. He slightly breaths heavily down at her where his warm breath flares out of the cold. Their eyes meet in a sense of gaze yet the two don't know what to say to the other because just as one was about to Katniss approaches them.

"Hey can we stop and get some coffee or hot chocolate? I'm in real need of a warm energy boost." She said breathing heavily into her cupped hands.

"Sure thing, but we better get a move on." Cato leads the ladies into the car as he opens it. Katniss scrambles in the back with Marvel and Peeta. While Clove joins Cato up front. "Okay here we go! Let the odds be ever in our favor." Cato says as he reversed the truck out of the driveway.

Jokingly Marvel smirks. "Why are we going into some death battle?" Everyone in the car starts to laugh.

Mount Shire was only a couple of hours away from town. Which was nice cause the other ski resorts were 4 to 6 hours away. Plus Mount Shire was best known for it's steep slopes. And with a couple of rounds of eye spy, twenty questions and hangman the crew started to get restless. "Dude how much longer? Marvel said as he gazes out of the window that by now had frost on it from the wintery mountains. Marvel was one in the group who had never been to the resort before due to his family always had family vacation until that year.

Cato was trying hard to focus on the snowy and slippery road who quickly glanced back. "Yeah maybe another forty minutes.

Katniss who was retouching her braid looks to both Marvel and Peeta. "Lets all take a nap so that way will be rested for the day." Clove smiles as she looks back into the seat where Cato had laid his right arm that stretched across the chair.

Within a few minutes three out of the five(Cato had to stay awake cause of driving) fell fast asleep. Clove however struggled as she compressed her head on the glass window. Trying to get herself to relax but with all the snoring that Marvel made it impossible. Forget it. She says to herself as she fluffed her hair. "Can't sleep?" Cato said as he sees her irritation.

"No but it's okay you could probably use the company anyways." She says as she pulls up her small brown bag which held her many pins she collected including her mockingjay pin. "Want some music?" She said as she pulls out a couple of her cd's.

"Sure what do you have in mind?" But instead of telling him what she had in mind. She pulls out a CD from it's case and puts it in the cd player. As it turns out it was the childhood favorites of Evanessance. Cato chuckles as the first song played.

"Oh my gosh, seriously Clove? You still have those?" Cato hits the steering wheel a bit firmly.

"Oh what come on, I know you like it you and I always did. Remember how we would role play out their songs. Especially the songs to Hello and My Immortal?"

Cato nods at her in agreement. "Yes and it was weird too cause your mother would catch us sometimes and take pictures of us!"

She interrupts him. "Yeah and of course when she did you would run sheepishly away." She said laughing quietly and uncontrollably as best as she could not to wake the others up. "Yeah exactly...the good ole days if you ask me."

By the arrival of Mount Shire everyone had woken up just in time as they pulled into the lodge. "You guys wait here I'm going to check us in." Cato pulls onto his heavier coat that laid between him and Clove.

Walking into the lodge Peeta rolls down the window to check out the fresh air. "Gosh it's freezing out there." He says as he pulls his head out of the window. But it wasn't long till Katniss makes him pull up the window back up.

"Of course it is ding dong it's the middle of December, what did you think?"

Peeta puts his arms up. "Well for starters it is after 12 so I figured it would be much warmer then what it is."

Clove turns around to face them from the front. "Oh come on it's on what, 63 degrees out with clear sky's! That ain't too bad right?"

Cato just then reappeared into the car and looked a little disappointed. "Okay guys we have our rooms but were pretty separated.

Marvel moans in disgust. "Ugh, how bad is it?"

Cato jumps in the car and looks at his friends. "Katniss and Clove your in room 212 while Peeta, Marvel and I are in room 74."

"What? That's like almost on the other side of the hotel right?" Clove said as she pulls onto her bag strap to hang on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry that is the best I could do, I mean we were fortunate to not be any farther then that. I mean seriously It's like a zoo in there."

Entering into the lodge it was a cabins dream from stone walls to wood perches everywhere. When you entered into the front lobby it smelled both like evergreen trees and a hint of fresh coffee and hot chocolate that was being served. People were swarming all around the lounge floor near a crisp fire reading, talking to the other or looking at some of the beautiful framed art that rested on the dark green walls. "We'll drop you two off first said Cato as they made a dead end down the hallway. Turing to the right and at the far end they found the girls room. Inside it was a clean white wall room with two twin beds, a cherry wood desk by a window, with a t.v. and mini size fridge.

"This is nice!" Said Katniss as she pulled her carrier onto the gold bed spread closer to the window. "Yeah I like it, it's not too big or small."

Marvel and Peeta go into the bathroom checking on the size of the shower as Cato pulls in more of the girls luggage. "Hey guys come on, we need to get our stuff too!"

Peeta shoves Marvel out of the door way and wins by getting through. "Sure thing. We'll see you gals in a bit." Scooting excididly out the girls room.

"Lets meet up in a hour at the front lounge so we can see what activities will be happening later today sound good?" Cato said as he holds onto the door way.

"Sure sounds good." Clove says as she takes the door from him and softly closes it. "Bye guys!" As she sees them pass down the hallways they all wave back to her making herself smile at the great guys she knew.

Turning around she saw Katniss smile big and flops herself onto her bed from the back side. "Well, we're here we made it!"

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