Pairing Up

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******(Authors NOTE)  I just want to say I truly appreicate all the support from all of you.   Your praise REALLY means so much to me!  

   By morning everyone was feeling down more then the day before and not willing to put a positive attitude about it.  In fact it was rough for Clove for starters cause she forgot to set her alarm the night before and jumped out of her skin a half hour before she had to leave for school.  Quickly grabbing a pair of jeans and a purple shirt she heads into the bathroom.  Brushing her teeth and puts her long dark brown hair in a pony tail.  Rushing down the stairs and almost missing the last step she runs into the kitchen where her mother sits reading the morning paper.  "Hi mom, bye mom."  As she grabs a banana from the fruit bowl and gives her mom a quick kiss on the cheek.  

"Oh well bye sweet heart, have a good day!"  As she watched her daughter rush out the door.  Again the parking lot was a zoo but Clove found her way in and made it in just in time when the bell rang for school to begin.  "Ugh really?  I hope this day turns out better then how it's starting."  Clove grabs her bag pack in the back seat and scrambles to lock her car and running to first period.  First and second period was all well and somewhat boring.  Mr. Seneca talked a lot about the class and it's important tests that would come up.  No one seemed thrilled about it and some students just rather would chat to one another then listen to him.  

  Next came along was art class which was nice having Katniss there.  Katniss and her talked about the possibility of her joining the Varsity Volley ball team.  "I don't know, I mean I like the sport and I've played it a lot when we go to the beach house and all.  But playing it here at the school...I'm just not too sure."  Clove tries to pull the positive out for her friend as best as she could.  

"But you love the game right?  Besides do you realize you are the best server out there?  You have a great aim and you serve shoot..whatever you call it like nothing else.  Your a catapult."  

Gleefully Katniss pulls out a short smile.  "Thanks, tryouts aren't until late February. so I still have time to think about it."  Clove raises her arms to stretch them out.  "Well I hope you do."

    Cinna comes in the room now and has a stack of papers with him.  "Okay guys first of all, welcome back glad to see you all survived your first day yesterday and that your all in one piece.  Secondly I have your pictures and I looked them over last night and want to give them back to you."  Slowly he hands them out one by one.  "Now don't freak out remember this is not graded.  Although....although I did make some friendly comments so I hope you'll use them to your knowledge."  Clove knew she didn't have much on hers so she wouldn't be surprised if a lot of comments were given to her.  Cinna slides next to Katniss and Clove.  "I like your guts Katniss, hope you continue on like this."  Katniss tried not to blush as he moved his way to Clove, but it sure wasn't easy for the fact he was so kind to her and not to mention so dang cute.  But with the expression Clove got from him she knew what he probably was thinking.  

"You desperate, lonely girl."  

Though instead he says:  "Keep believing in yourself, you'll go far if you do."  He then kindly sweeps the paper towards her to where her eyes were right underneath it.  In description of Cloves heart she made it as colorful as she could from the red outline of a heart to little symbols identifying herself.  One part had a cloud that had read "dreamer," a question mark that expressed "mysterious," hushed lips that represented "shy," and a flower that read "hopeful."  Sure it wasn't a lot if you compared it to a lot of other peoples drawings but it was her and she didn't think it needed anything more.  

On the bottom of the heart there she found a comment from Cinna which read:  I hope you can see someday soon that your are a person full of good things.  From what I see you have the potential to be something.  Go out there in the world and see what life has for you..  For life doesn't stand still, so why should you?

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