Sharlane "Glimmer" Hills

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 "Your so unfair"  Cato says to himself as he walks out and blasts the door open in anger.


          "So you just turn it three times to the right, twice to the left and directly to the final digits and there you have it!"  Katniss stands beside Clove as the guides her through.  

  "Hey Katniss, how's it going?"  Said a girl with reddish wavy hair who walked past by Katniss, Peeta and Clove.

  "Oh hey Aubrey."  Aubrey was head of the debate club where most people called her Foxface.  With her hair and smart intelligence  it was only fitting.  

  "Was that Foxface?!"  Peeta turns swiftly to face Katniss and Clove.  Off to the side of her shoulder Katniss nods at him.  "I thought she transferred to Panem High for her Senior year."  

  Clove who had just opened her locker door placed her art and science book inside the locker.  "She was but I think I heard she declined for a reason about their debate team they had."  Katniss rests her back side against the lockers.  "She's pretty specific what she wants when it comes to things like debates." 

Suddenly Katniss looks quickly at Peeta.  "Oh shoot!  I forgot to pay for my car permit.  Come with me guys."  Clove however was not willing to master the crazy and crowded office so she declined.  

  "That's okay I'll stay and practice with my lockers some more you two go ahead."  

She said shooing them away.  "Okay well I'll see you in 2nd period for art class.  Come on Peeta lets hurry and go."  Peeta glances a smile to her just before he follows Katniss.

      Clove turns slowly facing her locker door.  "Bye guys."  Thinking to herself she repeats: Three to the right, twice to the left and directly to the number on the left.  Just then out of no where she heard soft whispers coming off to the side.  

  "What is she wearing?" Said a boy walking past her with three other people.  Clove turns to them glancing down at her waistline down.  In embarrassment she turns her knees inward trying not to take in what they said.  Clove tries opening her locker one last time before the bell had run and takes off.  1st period was pretty boring for Clove for she had World History.  Unfortunately none of her friends had the class with her so she felt some what awkward coming in.  Clove steps in without hesitation and takes one of the last seats from the back.  Sitting down Clove breaths in the aura of the fresh chalk board which most people hated to smell but Clove never seemed bothered by it and breathed it in heavily for comfort.  As a few students came in so did the teacher.  "Oh no really Mr. Seneca is teaching this class?"  Clove says as she mumbles to herself.  "Ugh he's going to chew me up in this class I just know it."  

  Mr. Seneca wasn't mean or anything just very opinionated and firm with what he expected.  Mr. Seneca places his brown leather brief case on top of his desk and gazes at the class.  "Morning class, why don't you take your seats and will get started."  Seneca takes seat too from behind as more students entered the class.  Just then Clove noticed someone enter the room she had never seen before at Capitol High.  She was about 5ft 7in, long blonde wavy hair with a smile that could knock off any guy off  his feet.  Clove squeezes in tighter in her chair twirling her pencil.  Looking down at her she believed she looked normal as far as looks go.  From a floral skirt, a white tank with a lime green shirt simple yet classy.  

"Hi are you new here?"  Said one girl who sat behind the blonde.

        Gracefully as it seemed the blonde turns around and smiles kindly.  "Yeah, I'm Sharlane Hills but people back home call me Glimmer."  

  Another girl joined in the conversation sitting on the left side of Glimmer.  

  "Hi I'm Ravenna and this is my good friend Vixen."  Clove could never understand why Vixen and Ravenna were friends in the first place.  They looked nothing alike for starters.  Ravenna had brown hair with Olive skin.  Who liked country music, arts and crafts who loved drinking water(basically she would be happy if she was some fish for all that Clove could care).  As far as Vixen goes she had dark hair, dark skin, good muscle tone, loved R & B, wore things that were really trendy and loved teas and salads.  

  The girls continued to chat as Mr. Seneca gazed at the class.  "Ok everyone lets take our seats shall we?!"  Clove who was doodling with her paper to pass the time as the teacher started taking roll.  Being so glued to it she almost didn't hear her name being called.  "Clove Kingston, Clove......Kingston?!"  

  Clove jumped and stares at Seneca for a second.  "Here, I'm here."  Seneca shakes his head in the lack of attention that he was already being given.  Some of the students giggled at her and made little comments.  Nothing harsh just enough to make her feel uneasy...AGAIN!  

  After roll call Mr. Seneca takes his seat behind his desk.  "Ok so welcome back class, I hope you all had a great summer.  But now it's time to get down to business.  For most of you know this is one of the mandatory class that you seniors must take."  One boy named Dane who sighed deeply in knowing it was going to be torture and slouched in his chair. 

   Glimmer leans back to her chair and whispers to Ravenna.  "He's kinda cute to be a teacher if you ask me."  Ravenna nods in total agreement.  

  "Quite surprisingly he's like one of few hot teachers here."  

  Clove smudged her face into her binder paper in embarrassment.  Seneca then shuffles some papers together and continues his speech.  "So a little about me....."  He says as he carries over through the class period.

  Next on Cloves list of classes was art and thank goodness for that too where she would have Katniss with her.  Clove walks in the classroom and saw Katniss already sitting at a table.  The classroom was filled with collections of different clays, paints, paint brushes, and butcher paper all on shelves.  The room even had all the smells of the materials in it, for basically it was a artist's dream room.  "Hey how was 1st period?"  Clove said gleefully taking a seat.  

  But instead of a positive reply Clove had hoped Katniss looked at her glumly.  "You really want to know?"  She says as she slaps her hands on her binder causing to shake the table.  

  "That bad huh?!  Clove picks a seat beside her.  

  "Ya...he's already assigned us homework and a pop quiz for Thursday.  I mean I knew I was doing to get homework but I din't expect it so soon."  

  Clove pulls her hair out of her face with her right palm.  "Yeah but maybe it won't be so bad."  

  Katniss looks at Clove half smiling.  "I hope so."  The two make eye contact and suddenly burst out laughing.

  "Perfection!"  Said a voice that came into the room.  Clove, and Katniss glance around them to see where the voice came from.  Walking in the room was a guy very well trimmed with dark skin and dark hair.  "Art is found everywhere everyone and you can easily learn to embrace it if you know were to find it.  And these two girls demonstrated that perfectly."  Said the man who stood right behind Katniss and Clove who both by then felt weird that a teacher was talking about them.  "I mean who wants to be here, right, summer is over, your freedom of late nights, parties are now in the past.  Now you gotta be here, study for exams, deal with demands from your teachers and such.  Am I right?"  

  Everyone looks to the others and nod slowly.  The teacher by now was walking around the room looking for comments but no one really spoke.  But he didn't seem to mind, instead he just smiled kindly and grabbed a ball of indian clay that laid on the table.  "Well I promise I will make this class a fun one, a less stressful class ok?"  He paused.  "Well welcome to the introduction of art and my name is Cinna." 

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