A Proms Nightmare

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Now that Clove had found someone to go to the prom she felt good that she had done something.  Not just for herself but for a friend as well.  And when Clove told both her mom and Katniss, they were more then ecstatic about the whole thing and plans were to go dress shopping with Katniss that following weekend.


On that afternoon Katniss and Clove head to one of the best dress shops in town called Glamor Kingdom.  For any kind of dress you could think of was all there and much more.  From dresses, shoes, earrings, purses, for there was even a section for the men to prep themselves up for their special day.    "This sucks, I can't find anything."  Katniss says as shuffles through another rack of dresses.  "I mean how am I going to match with Peeta?"  As she pulls out a halter dress that flowed to the ground that looked like someone had painted a bright yellow brush over it.

"Wait, you guys are going to match?"  Clove says placing her two hands apart from two dresses. 

Katniss rolls her eyes in a frustrated look from across Clove.  "Well we wanted to but doesn't look like that will be the case now."  By then Katniss is holding up a red velvet dress that ruffled on the bottom but she hated how low the top was so she tosses it back.

"What's Peeta wearing?"  Clove says as she stares at a hot green dress.

"He's wearing a black suit mostly with some red trimming and flames flaring on his pants.  It's pretty hot if you ask me!"  She says giggling.

"So basically your looking for either a black dress or a red, right?"  Clove says as she leans into the hangers.  "Yup!"  Just then as Clove starts to look back down to the dress that stood hanging Katniss perks up.  "Hey Clove what about this one for you?"  Katniss walks over quickly to a dressing room door that had a dress hanging.  "It looks like it's a good length and the color is different."

Clove pulls up her purse more onto her black and white baseball t-shirt.  The color of the dress wasn't that great but she liked the ruffles it had on the top and it was very silky.  "It's orange?"  Clove says glumly as she skims it down more.

Katniss pulls it down to her let it rest over her chest.  "No it's not, it's like a orange pinkish color.  This would be a great color for your skin tone and look it's on sale."  Katniss says proudly as she holds it to her to take.

"Okay fine I'll take it but promise me we do something with my hair really something that really will stand out."

Katniss for once had her hair in a high pony with it looping in the band.  "Oh, so you want fierce huh? Even better."  A few minutes later they had found the perfect dress that looked fitting for Katniss.  A red dress that flared a little bit all around the bottom with some sparkles that laid on some lace over the left shoulder.  Both girls approved immediately and after finding shoes they called it a day and went to get some lunch.


The morning of the prom Katniss and Clove planned on getting all prepped and dolled up from hair, nails, to even feet.  It was a time the girls knew deep down that this would maybe be the last girl gathering they would have before heading to collage.  So in a way both girls knew it was a bitter sweet time.  Which was half of the morning where Cloves stomach was  all in knots.  "So how are you getting to the dance tonight?  Katniss asks Clove as they were getting the last touches done with their hair.  It was sort of a last minute thing but Clove said Marvel had planned on picking her up around 4:30 and grab something to eat and head over.    "Awesome, Peeta is picking me up too and will be there around seven I think, cause he thought it would be good to eat before we head over." 

By three Clove had pulled into her dress and retouched her hair as some had gotten a bit loose.  Nerves was settling in more that started to overwhelm herself.  Fear of her seeing Cato with Glimmer, sadness of this being the last big get together with her friends.  An most of all hatred upon herself for the lies she's done to everyone.  Brushing her hair slightly her phone rang.  Carefully she places her brush down glancing at the side of her dresser where her phone rested.  As it turned out it was her father.  Clove just shook her head and pushed the ignore button.  But again as she applied on some lip gloss her phone went off only this time it was  a text.  Where are you Clove, we need to talk. Annoyed as she looked she was ready to stand her ground.  Texting him back she wrote:  Well I can't right now, I have a school dance right now to go to.  So bug off!

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