Winter Wonderland cont.(Macie German)

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Marvel looks at Clove stunned and little awkward.  "What do I think of you?"

Clove nods quietly pushing her soda away.  Just the thought of what she heard made her lose interest.  And though she knew Marvel well enough she didn't think it would hurt to get his opinion.  "Yeah what do you think of me as a person?"  Clove settles her chin into the palm of her right hand.

 Marvel scoffs.  "Well first of all I don't know why your asking me this."  He says brightly.  "But if you want my opinion I think your kind to those who you know, fiery when you want to be, your a good listener and your smarter then you think."  But what Marvel said didn't empress her much. 

"Yeah but is that enough for someone to like me?"  As she looks looks at one of the bar tenders who brought a glass of a shirley temple to a little boy who sat next to her.

 It was clear where Marvel knew where she was coming at.  "Clove I know someone is out there for you, just give it time for the RIGHT guy will find you."


 That rest of the day Clove went beside herself thinking.  She didn't want to do anything with anyone, for one thing everyone had their own ideas on how to spend the last day or show at the lodge.  Marvel wanted to be in the game room finishing off some ninja fight mash.  While Katniss and Peeta went souvenir shopping down town for their families.  Which sometimes makes Clove wonder why Peeta did that because they weren't really nice to him as most parents are.  For she always asked him why their like that, but he always said it didn't bother him because at least he had one.  For at least that was his reason.  Then their was Cato whom she assumed that he would be doing something with Glimmer the no good, goodie too shoes.  Clove tries to leave the thought out of her head as best as she could but she truly wanted to talk to Cato about it, to see what his thoughts really were.  By 9:00 that night everyone still was out and about doing their own thing except for Clove.  Clove had gotten a text from Katniss saying that she went out to pick something to eat with Peeta while they were still checking out the place.  So she figured she would just hang out in the room.  But about 9:30 as Clove watched the travel channel on Brazil her phone went off by a text.  

Clove releases her hands that she held together and grabs her phone to glance at.  It was a text from her father.  He had been texting every so often to find the time to really talk.  But every time he had she had acted as if she had been busy.  Pulling herself up from her stomach she scans at the message:  Hey Peaches it's your dad, hope your having a great holiday.  Though I haven't heard from you in awhile and I would love if you could meet up with me in the next couple of days so we can hang out.  Let me know when this can work out.  Love Dad

 Clove groans at the message and decides not to respond just yet.  For she was rather interested in watching the Travel channel.  By around 10:30 Clove gets woken up from Katniss as she walks into the room.  "Sorry I'm so late, I'm just going to change real quick."  Said Katniss whispering to her as she heads into the bathroom taking her pink sweats and black tank top.  Clove was a little groggy from the startling of Katniss and sits up to see what time it was.  Within minutes Katniss comes out with her hair down for once where her wavy locks flow down past her shoulders.  "Are you ok?"  She says giving a concerned look as she crawls into the bed.  

"Yeah I'm fine, be right back."  Clove grabs her green hotel key the pin and scrambles out of the bed to retrieve her slippers.  At first Katniss thinks she was headed to the bathroom but notices she strays to the door.  "Where are you going it's late?"

  Clove turns around rapidly with the door open.  "I can't sleep, I'm just going to take a walk down the lobby for a bit.  Don't wait up."  

 Katniss had her back against the back board clueless but she didn't say anything back and just turned out the bedroom light and crawled into the covers.  Walking down the quiet hallways was nice for once.  She was tired of hearing all the screaming from people.  Nearing into the lobby their stood a man at the registration table checking on some paper work who looked as if he was ready to fall asleep rather then pay attention to his work.  Clove turns around the corner though and finds a little fire was sitting in the fireplace.  But stopped short when she noticed some child who looked to be about 12 sitting there too.

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