Cato Fights the King

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Carefully Cato swoops down to the floor to Cloves side.  Gently as he could he listens to her breathing for it was very faint but it was there.  "Cato? Is- is that you?"  She said with barely of a breath. Cato strokes Cloves head as soft as he could. 

"Yeah it's me, what happened to you?" 

Clove coughs a little trying to force air out.  "He's here Cato, father, he's here."

"Hahahahaha that girl of mine is good don't you think?"  Said Daniel as he approached Cato and Clove from behind. 

Cato looks down at Clove who hardly looked at him.  "I'll be right back for you ok?"  He says softly but Clove didn't move for she had broken several bones and possibly her left arm.  Cato rises up slowly as he knew exactly what he was about to deal with. 

"Well, well well, look at what we have here.  Cato Marshall is that really you?"  Said Daniel as he slowly circled to Cato and Clove.  Cato hadn't moved an inch and stood guarding Clove as she laid there not leaving his eyes on her father.  "Wow, it looks to me you grew like several inches since I last saw you is that right?  I mean you gotta be like 5.9?" 

Cato speaks firmly holding his hands into fists.  "6 feet to be exact."  Her father chuckles and slaps his baseball bat onto his hand that he had held.  Cato thought it would be best to not let Cloves dad take control so it was time he changed things and got some answers.  "What did you do to her?" 

Daniel stands near a window that was half shattered.  "Oh, do you have feelings for my daughter...well let me tell you she's not worth saving, she never really was."  He says looking off to the side where she laid.  

 Cato's eyes fumed madly and charged after him.  In doing so Cato curls his head and arms into Daniels chest where he was swooped up and thrown into the wall, causing Daniel to scream.  But as Cato released him he punches Cato in the stomach causing him to fall back himself almost running into Clove who didn't seem to be awake.  "Is that all you got?"  Said Daniel as he comes off the wall. 

Cato stands right up in getting his feet back into position.  "I could do this all day."  And Cato goes back into it punching Daniel in the jaw, and the stomach which just made Daniel even madder with rage.  Punch after punch neither one of them was making progress and each one where starting to go into exhaustion.  But little did Cato know that Daniel had a slight plan. 

Daniel gets released from Cato from a punch in the gut when he scrambles to Clove and pulls her up making her be his shield.  "So do what do you say I take her with me far away from you?  How does that sound?"  Cato panics as he knew she was hurt bad enough already.  

 "LET HER GO!"  Cato shouts as he pulls himself up from his knees.  He was gravely hurting but the thought of Cloves dad hurting her would break him apart. 

"Nah, I'll just finish her off right here."  Daniel turns to looks at his daughter as she hangs there unconsciously.  With the last bit of energy Cato had he pulls himself up and leaps up in the air kicking Daniel in the face with both of his feet in the air. 

"Don't you DARE touch her."  Just as Daniel lets go of Clove who falls back to the floor Cato grabs onto him and pulls him straight up.  "She is the best thing I've got!"  With that in just seconds Cato grasps his hands around Daniel's neck and sharply twists it causing him to fall to the ground.  Cato doesn't even bother to look at him again, instead he rushes to Clove who was now on her right side.  Breathing hard he manages to speak.  "Clove, Clove?"  Cato says as he moves her onto her back.  But no words came out.  Quickly and as gently as he can he starts to lift her up and rushes her out of the house and into his car.

 Carefully he puts her in the front seat letting her head rest on the head rest.  But she still had not moved since he arrived and began to worry more.  Quickly scrambling to his side of the drivers seat he grabs his phone to call Peeta.  With not but two rings he answers.  "Hey Peeta.... it's me.  Listen I don't have time to talk but meet me and Clove at the hospital.  She's hurt badly and I need to get her to a doctor."  

 Peeta quickly says him and Marvel and Katniss will be right over.  "Katniss call Cloves mom and say were heading to the hospital."  Katniss and the boys had been standing near their cars waiting impatiently for the call. 

"Is she okay?"  Said a scared Katniss approaching to Peeta holding her red phone.

"He didn't say just that we should meet him there."  Quickly gathering his phone in his pocket he coax's them to get into his car as fast as they could so they could meet up with Cato.             

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