New Years Eve

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  Daniel stalls a minute as he holds tightly to his cup of coffee.  Clove deeply takes a deep breath in preparing for the worst.  "I'm sorry peaches that I haven't done so yet.  It has completely erased my mind."  He then look at his daughter deeply.  "But know this, I will ok as soon as I can get things straightened ok?"

Clove exhales and nods. "Sure whatever you say."  For the remainder of the visit the two talked about what Clove was up to in school and how much she hated her History class and art class while she enjoyed Lit. because for mostly it was cause of all her friends were with her.

"So you'll keep me posted on how your doing right, and maybe you can come over to the house sometime when things are right?"  Said Cloves father as he walked her to her car.

"Yeah sure thing."  With a quick hug she piles herself in the car and heads back.  From the rear view mirror Clove looks back at her father who stood still in the parking lot smiling away.


A couple days after arriving home Clove spent most of it cleaning out her suitcase and started to focus on school assignments that would need to be turned in once they came back from vacation.  It wasn't like they were behind or anything.  If anything they actually were ahead, both her and Cato had already lined up with three people which didn't include Macie which Clove kept forgetting to tell Cato.  But ever since they returned home neither one of them had seen each other until New Years Eve had came around.  It was held at a big fashionable building in down town.  Not too big, or too old but it was something special to the town. As it was one of the first ones built ever.

Clove arrived half past eight and for the first time really got dressed up.  "Hey look at you!"  Katniss said as she saw her coming from the entry way.  Katniss was already enjoying herself for she had a good size cup of punch that may have had some champaign in it too.

"Hey good to see you!"  Clove said brightly hugging Katniss.

"Wow I've never seen you so dressed up." Katniss said with a surprised look.

Clove jolts back sarcastically thinking her original style considered lame. "What, it's just some black slacks, a silver glittery shirt and I just curled my hair and applied make up on."

Katniss laughs.  "Exactly, you put effort into it."  Clove now takes a look at Katniss in what she picked out.  Unlike herself Katniss wore more vibrant colors.  It was just a simple party dress with spaghetti straps but it ranged from patterns in blue, yellow, orange, black and white.  

The two then get pinched in by a bunch of guys from the football team where Katniss encourages Clove to move into a corner of the room.  "So who's all here?"  Clove wonders as she looks around briefly.  Most of the people there were students with a few adults rummaging around.  Music was blaring from wall to wall and all the people seemed to be either eating or drinking.

"I think everyone is here."  She said laughing.  "But if your asking about our group then it's just Peeta, Marvel and I.  Haven't seen Cato yet but I'm sure he'll be here soon."  Clove nods and puts her silver hand bag underneath her arm to get some punch. 

"How's the punch?"  She says as she grabs a cup and smelling it before drinking it.

"It's good, but you may not want to drink that one it as a little bit of vodka, they have some other stuff like soda's though."  She says pointing to the table that stood next to the table where they were at.  Clove puts the punch down and heads over to get some Dr. Pepper.  She hated to be thought of as a non achololic drinker but she figured she was gonna have to drive home she might as well stray away from the liquior.

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