Truth Comes Out

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Clove began to figure that maybe having Cato as a friend was not to last forever.  For  maybe there were better people out there for him besides her.  It all made sense for Clove to think that after she saw the kiss she saw that Glimmer gave him.  The hands, the eyes and even the smile for it just made that much sense.

  "Happy New Year Clove!"  Said both Katniss and Peeta who came up to hug her. 

Suddenly the room felt too warm to Clove and she felt like she was going to suffocate.  "Thanks guys you too, but if you don't mind I'm actually going to head out."  She says as she tries to pry out between them.

Peeta looks blindly at Katniss.  "Wait, what?  Why are you leaving so soon?"  Katniss interrupts.

Clove gathers her hand bag and swipes her hair off her shoulder as Katniss tries to stop her.  "I just, I just have to." Without any eye contact towards Cato and Glimmer she pulls through people who were still madly kissing away or going for another round of drinks. 

"What just happened?"  Peeta said as she watched Clove speed out the room and into the parking lot.  Katniss though didn't say anything, she just stood by to the nearest window to find Clove in deep thought into the parking lot.  For some reason she started to get the feeling as to why Clove just took off in the middle of all the celebration.

Arriving home she found a note from her mom reading that she went out to dinner with her mom unexpectedly and would be home as soon as she could.  "Great, now I'm really alone."  Clove said thinking to herself as she sets her car keys down by the a small light table stand that stood by the stairs.  She was fully drained with a bit of a stomach ache from the night that she could care less if she forgot to do something so easily as to turn off a light or lock the front door.  Instead she just wobbles upstairs climbs into some sweats and curls into her bed.

Not more then three hours later she is awaken from a vigorous sharp pain into her stomach.  Thinking it was a tight cramp she shoots up rubbing her stomach.  "Ugggh what the heck?"  She said as she continues to rub the horrid pain.  But rubbing her stomach just made it worse to where she decides to stand up hoping that would release pressure.  "I didn't eat anything, all I put in my stomach was drinking that Dr. Pepper."  But she did drink more then she originally did so maybe that is what was causing the pains. 

Pacing into her room still was not releaving the pressure and just then as she thought she could lay in bed she had the urge to throw up.  Cupping her mouth from not getting onto the floor she rushes to her toilet and hacks away.  Finally after a minute or so caving into the toilet she pulled herself up with a deep breath and realized what t@made her stomach so upset.  Clove trembles curling her legs into her chest fighting the tears that roll down her cheeks and for the first time she just couldn't understand.  "Why, why me?"  She says sobbing uncontrollably laying herself on the cold white tile floor, hoping not only her sorrows would go away but also the pain in her stomach would ease.


Coming back to school the campus was filled with the newest gossip of the winter vacation.  From Christmas parties, to New Years Eve.  Whatever it was, it was all said and done.  But with the lazy winter breaks that came so did busy class projects.  Clove sure wasn't understanding why, but all her teachers had seemed to be pilling everything on top of the them and that included Cinna the art teacher.  Such as before the break Cinna had the kids pull out one piece of paper from a bag and for whatever that paper read they had to draw three different ways in expressing what that item was.  For instance's Cloves was the sun and moon and for however creative and thought out drawing they did the better of a grade.  She found it interesting yet pointless for she figured it could only be seen in one way.  But with all efforts that she had, she did what she had to do.  "Hey where were you this morning?  I couldn't find you at are usual meeting place?"  Katniss says at one point while they waited for some papers being returned in. 

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