*Lost Love/ Volleyball Tryouts

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"Clove, Clove!" Said Katniss who was trying to catch up with Clove. She was no less then feet away but the way she was moving could be anytime when she would be out of reach. Peeta and Marvel are now side by side of Katniss calling out to Clove. Both boys were quizzical as to what kind of emotion Clove was going through but they were determined to check on her. Clove was humiliated, angry and more lonely then ever. How could Cato do such a thing to her. She said to herself as she walks vigorously away down the halls.

"Go away you guys I can handle this." Clove says crying out to her friends from behind her.

"No were not going to go Clove, not until you tell us just what happened back there." Katniss says as she tries to make some kind of eye contact from her. Clove suddenly stops short in a position where she had her back facing her friends.

Katniss pauses a second to see if she replies. But nothing comes out which she then looks at Peeta and Marvel. "You guys why don't you go for a minute, I got this ok?" Peeta gets reassured first by Katniss if she really could but it was no denying it She confirmed she could handle Clove.

"Ok, we'll see you in class." Peeta says softly hitting Marvel making him to fall back and to follow him. Clove still stands still as some people walk by looking oddly at her.  Some odd looks while a few actually gave sympathetic looks.

Yet Katniss had no fear in coming up to her, even if it meant getting yelled in the face. "Are you ok?"

She said practically in a whisper. "No I'm not but I'll deal with it." Clove says under her breath. Slowly Katniss tries to put a hand on her shoulder which is immediately pushed away. "Don't, don't do that to me." As she pulls back roughly, but then tries to calm herself as she knew she was just trying to help.

"I'm just trying to help Clove, you know that." Katniss says firmly.

Clove looks at her friend from a distance. Thinking how long ago she remembered this person not that long ago, how she almost despised her for being friends with Cato and yet now she has found her to be one of her best friends. "Sorry Katniss." Turning around she tries to wipe away her wet face to not embarrass herself anymore. "Look I don't think I'm going to go to Lit. class today, I'm just going to skip it and go to the library or something. Can you do me a favor?" Katniss nods for at that time she would do anything for Clove at this point. "Can you just give this to Cato for me. I interviewed this girl Macie and I think she would be a great addition to our project. He hasn't seen it yet but needs to." She then slowly pulls out her interview paper of Macie's from her left back jean pocket. "Tell him I said this is a good one."

And with that Clove with nothing but a soft and sad gaze and she turns around the other direction and drifts away.

All period during class neither of the four friends spoke to each other any more then they had to. That afternoon they were to continue on working on the projects but since Clove didn't show up Cato sat there alone looking over their previous interviews especially the one Katniss handed over to him. "Here you may want to check this out." Katniss had said when she handed it over to Cato. She gave him no satisfaction on weather she was angry or annoyed by him. She just looked into his eyes and handed it over as she moved to sit next to Peeta. All along the while Clove sat in the library reading on some books about romance, miracles and stories that would break ones heart. At one point she had picked a book up called "Endless Love" About two friends who grew up in the same neighborhood where one was killed in a car accident at the age of 23. While the other one struggled to survive without the other. "Why am I torching myself like this?" She whispers as she places her book back in it's rightful place on the shelf.


Clove debated going home right away for if she decided to go home she'd be too depressed and her mom would question her. Standing beside her car she stood with it adjar. Watching a couple holding one anothers hands she cringed baring her lips hard. Had she made the right decsion to yell at Cato like that? In all honesty she thought it was, for he wasn't even giving her a minute to explain her feelings to him.

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