"Powering Your Community"

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The group came in within minutes before the tardy bell rang and Mrs. Effie was already talking to the class. Talking about what the leadership had done over the years and that she had high hopes that this year would be best. Cato, Peeta, Katniss, Clove and Marvel froze as they stared into the eyes of the flamboyant Effie. Who just stood there in a brightly fabric pink suit, with bright eye shadow. "Welcome, welcome children!" The boys who stood in the back of the girls were like in shock in what they saw. So were the girls but they just rather stand still. Cato then nudges Clove from the back to make her move forward.

Sarcastically she catches herself and hits back on Cato's hand. "Hey stop that!" Clove says not too loud but not too soft either.

"Um children will you please take your seats? The group eyed each other and slowly walked in. But they walked in as if their we're thousands of bugs swarming the floor. Effie watched each of them as they sat in their chairs. "Now, what I was trying to say before we were interrupted is that you'll find this class more then a class. It will be more like family, friendship, a place beyond your wildest dreams." Effie for sure had a way with words where they were meaningful, right to the point and vibrant as colors maybe. "So what I mean is your going to see a whole new you and discover things about yourself and your peers that you maybe never knew about." The students listened un amused and thinking this women must've came from some other planet. Marvel who was trying to give her his attention gave her a pinched face in confusion.

Riiing goes the tardy bell and as it finished ringing Glimmer stumbles into the doorway. Cloves eyes shot out big and looks to Cato. But Cato just casually glances at Glimmer and leans back into his chair and looks up front. With a sigh of relief Clove sits up more comfortably. "I'm sorry, I'm new here and I was trying to find my way around." Glimmer says innocently. Effie's right hand which contained many bracelets clinks together as she puts it on her hip.

In almost a impatient voice she forwards her hand as to guide her to go sit down. "Well go on dear find a seat anywhere." Slowly and carefully Glimmer walks in and takes the nearest front desk that was empty which just happened to be right in front of Peeta.

"So today it's going to be an easy one for I want to know who you are." Clove rolls her eyes of boredom for she figured that's as if that's all the teachers wanted to know. "Here we go again." She said to herself. Effie prances (or almost prances for it looked to be close even though she wore at least 3 inch heels), to the chalk board and writes. As she wrote the chalk screeched every time she made a stroke. Some students thought it was so bad they had to cover their ears. On the board she wrote: "Powering Your Community" With a smile Effie turns to the students. "Can you tell me what this means?"

In the middle of the crowed it a hand was pulled up by Foxface. "To make our community stronger then what it is?" She said with a assuring voice.

Effie taps the chalk on her left palm. "Your on the right track dear." She then stands. "You and a partner will team up and find something that can change and make the people around you become better. Could it be hunger, loneliness, selfishness, too much pride?" She then paused and glanced long enough to see she had their attention. "By what could that be, well that's what your partner will discuss." With a students help to pass out the assignments syllabus. "Now this will be a year long project with 150 points. "You and your partner must share with me five examples on how your symbol of choice changes those people. Each example must be at least two to three pages from why you picked them, what you tell them, how they respond to you and what their change will be. Easy enough?"

Some reply with nods others no response at all. then out of no where a hand was raised from the back of the class. To everyone's surprise it was Thresh Carnell one of the seniors best wrestlers at Capitol high. But though he was really good he was very quiet and smart if you took more attention to see that. "Will we choose are partners?"

Cato laughs at such a pitiful question. But the teacher just shook her head. "No, I'll be the one doing that, just so it's fair." Foxface glances at Thresh and wondered if her partner would be him. For anything at all Foxface wanted was someone who wouldn't dawdle and let her do all the work. Peeta on the other hand seemed excited about the project and started jotting down ideas on what he and his partner could use as a symbol. While Cato, Clove, Katniss and Marvel look at the other in hopes they too would get good partners.

Glimmer then raises her hand up and with a big smile didn't hesitate to speak out her mind. "Is this really necessary? Because I know I have a lot happening to me this year with other things, that this maybe too much for me!" Effie stares down at Glimmer who was a bit shocked at the question she was just given.

Hysterically Marvel laughs out loud almost who just about fell out of his chair. Thankfully Clove reaches out before he stumbled to the floor. Marvel looks at Clove kindly. "Thanks!" Faintly she replies.    

"No problem" And looks back at Effie with a serious look. But Effie was even more serious as she was trying to think on how to respond to Glimmer. "Well dear you either do this assignment like everyone else and do it with the best of your ability OR...or don't do it and I will fail you!" Katniss looks down at her desk pushing her braid off of her shoulder and looks to Clove whispering. "Who does she think she is someone from the lap of luxury?" Clove doesn't respond just nudges her shoulders up. Glimmer looks behind her quickly to see she was becoming the joke of the class and looks around quickly eyeing at Cato. Who just casually looks at her and looks away.

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