*Bruises/ A Mother's Advice

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As the girls who didn't make the team they exited north of the gym. Some were in tears, others in disbelief with some who just didn't give a care.

"Oh my gosh I did it!" Screamed Katniss as she runs to Clove hugging her hard. Cloves arms went from Katniss's neck to slowly lowering down to her middle where her arms just too short. Katniss released herself with a smile facing her friend. "I got to go back cause now they want to talk about the season of what to expect. But I just had to come over and tell you thank you, THANK YOU so much for supporting me!"

Clove tries not blush but nods her head gratefully. "No problem anytime." Katniss grabs a squirt from her water bottle and jogs back to the new team members.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't see you there, your just so low to the ground." Glimmer some how squeezed through Clove as she was turning around to sit back down. But with the force of Glimmer coming through caused herself to collapse to the edge of the bleachers. She jumps up angrily for she had enough of Glimmers attitude and wasn't willing to put up with it any longer.

"If you have a problem with me just say it." Clove says firmly with no hesitation of fear.  Glimmer turns around gracefully as if she was in some modeling show. But yet she didn't look it because she was sweating like a pig and her hair was going in all sorts of directions.

Glimmer approaches her with no hesitation. "Well I just did, so now what are YOU going to do about it?" She pauses and looks at her reflection in Cloves eyes. "Oh that's right nothing, cause you don't have your friend anymore to back you up." Glimmer smirks. "Cause he's mine now."

Clove stared at her deep into her eyes who was seriously ready to plow at her but if it wasn't for Madge she would have came right at her. "Hills...bring it forward, lets go." Madge who had blown her whistle to get her attention.

"See you later Clovers." Glimmer says as she sly's away skipping happily back to Madge and the group. Clove double blinks in trying to catch her composer shaking her head she tries to forget about it and sits back down to wait for Katniss.

During the days that followed Clove knew she couldn't keep herself from Cato. For one thing they were partners for 6th period and cause of that they knew they had to communicate to get through their project. They had done pretty well, for it was all in mutual respect and for any conversation they had was all towards the project. "So I read your interview with Macie German."

Clove had nodded at him with not much eye contact. "Yeah, it was a pretty tough story to listen to and write for." Cato places down the papers and whom both stare forward. Which Clove noticed Glimmer had taken a peek at them both.

"Glimmer, focus ok?" Marvel said tapping at her right shoulder as he had noticed she was getting distracted.

"So spring break is nearing so, since we have all our interviews in hand now why don't we just split half of them and we can type them up individually, sound good?" Cato says sliding Macie's interview back to the side of Cloves side.

Clove shrugs her shoulders in not caring how they were going to work that out but she figured it was better then one person doing it all. "Sure whatever."

When Katniss's first game arrived at the end of March, all her friends came to support her! And though Glimmer was on the B team Cato had still shown up for Katniss's big moment. It was an amazing performance too the girls pushing themselves onto the ground, passing, shooting with tremendous effort and still being able to hold themselves over to put the ball over the net continuously. For Katniss too did better then anyone could imagine. Everyone was just so proud of her that night which they won 20 to 13. "I'm so proud of you Katniss!" Said Clove as she and the others got together with her after the game.

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