Moving back Home

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Harry's POV


Ok breathe Harry, Ash and i have packed everything we need up including Roxy's stuff, "Coming!" i yelled to our parents outside the door. "hi Mum!" i said giving her a hug, "Daddy!" Ash squeled running over to him and jumping into his arms, "Are you all packed?" my mum asked, i nodded then went and got everything and packed the car and trailer. "uh we need to talk to you" Ash said looking at me nervously, "ok" mum said, we went into the lounge and sat down. "uh ok, so me and Harry have been dating for a bit now, and Daddy when you said you dont want anything happening between me and Harry, it was already happening" Ash said, "Mum, when you and Peter were in our appartment, i knew Ash because we were dating, It was out 2 month annerversary the day before that" I said, putting my arm around Ash's waist.

Ashley's POV

"umm also, Harry and i have a 3 year old girl called Roxy and im pregnant again now" I said scooting closer to Harry, "Ashley! your 18!" Dad yelled at me, "I know daddy, but i love Harry and i want to spend the rest of my life with him" I said back, "Ashley! your to young to know what 'the rest of your life' means, just because your having teenage puppy love does not mean you have to go and get knocked up by a silly 18 year old boy!!" He yelled at me, I had tears running down my face, Harry stood up and pointed at my dad, "Your daughter is the most responsible girl in the world, im not silly and i would never do anything to intentionly hurt her! I have never tried to hurt her, and if i have it was against my will!! You have no right to say that to your daughter!!"Harry yelled,

"Mummy?" Roxy said from the doorway,I heard Dad and, ill call her mum now gasp when they saw her, "come her baby" I said, she ran over and Harry picked her up, " Dad, this is Roxy, she is a beautiful girl and today we have another doctors appointment to see what sex the baby is in my tummy, i can't believe you would'nt support me, i can't take back what happened and if you don't like it, well im sorry" i sobbed, "Get in the car and bring her" Dad said standing up,

"Where are we going?" I asked, "to the orphanage" he replied coldly, "What!!" Harry yelled, "yes and after that your getting an abortion, and then your never leaving your room, and never seeing Harry again!" he yelled, "Peter!" Mum yelled standing up, "She's not getting an abortion, her and Harry are smart enough to know what love is and they know how they want to spend their life!" she yelled at him, "no! she is my daughter and she is only 18! she will listen to me!" he yelled at her, "If her and Harry want to spend the rest of their lives together and want to have children then let it be!" she yelled back,

"No!!!!!!" he yelled, "come on dear" She said putting her hand on my back and walking us to the car, "Harry" i said, "Shhhh im here babe" he said, He got in the front seat and then i sat on his lap, "Mum can you please put Rox in the back please" he said, I was still bawling my eyes out when Dad stormed out of the house, he went over to mum who had hold of Roxy, "Harry" i said worriedly, then He grabbed Roxy and went back inside, "Roxy!" i screamed, dad did'nt want Roxy, who knew what he would with her, "Peter!" Harry yelled, lifting me off and running inside.

I started screaming, "Shhh, Ashley it will be ok" Mum soothed me, I heard a car pull up behind us, "Ash!!" I heard Liam scream running over to me, "Liam" i sobbed into his chest, 'Where's Harry, and Roxy?" he said quickly and worridly, I stood up and ran toward the front door, "Dad!!! Give me my baby!!!!!!" I screamed, i heard crying when i entered the house, Roxy was sitting on the couch looking on the floor, I saw Harry and Dad fighting as in fists flying, "Liam!!" I yelled, "Hey hey hey!!! break it up!!" Liam yelled, i ran over to Roxy an picked her up. "Daddy!!" she screamed and cryed, Liam grabbed Dad and i walked over to Harry, "Harry!! Stop!" He stopped and turned to me but before he could say anything Dad drove a knife straight into Harry's Shoulder, he screamed out in agony, I started crying as he fell to the floor holding his shoulder, "Peter!, i want a divource!" mum yelled, Dad, stormed out of the house and dumped all of our stuff on the drive then drove away. "Harry" i stuttered, "Ash, im ok, it's not life threatning, it just hurts ok" he said trying to calm me down, i nodded, "Daddy!!" Roxy screamed, "shhhh baby, its ok" he said, "Ash stop crying" he said putting his hand on my cheek, "Roxy stay here with Daddy, im going to call uncle Louis ok" i said, she nodded, "Liam, can you call an ambulance please?" i asked, He nodded and went to the home phone, i turned on my phone and called Louis,


A=Ashley   L=Louis


A:Louis, get home right now!

L:Ash whats wrong?

A: Louis just get back to the appartment!

L: Ash wh....



I hung up on Louis then ran back to Harry, "Ash, please calm down, this can't be good for the baby" Harry said, "What?" Liam asked, "uhh Liam, im pregnant, CRAP! the doctors appointment!" i started to worry, "No Ash calm down, Liam can go with you and Mum can come with me to the hospital with Rox, go on before you miss it" he said shooing us out. "come on Liam" i said getting up, we went to his car and drove to the doctors. "Come on babe, we're here" Liam said opening the door for me,"thanks" i said getting out, we walked in the doors to reception, "Hello, what can i do for you?" the receptionist asked, "um im here for an appointment with Dr Bron" i said back, "Come on through"

The docter said from behind us, I smiled then went into the room. "So, your pregnant and would like an ultrasound yes?" he asked, i nodded, "ok can you lye down here please" he pointed to a bed, with machines and an ultrasound machine plugged in next to int, i lay down and he lifted my top up, Liam came and sat beside me and held my hand. The Dr put the gel on my stomach then continued, "it's beautiful" i whispered, "Do you want to know what it is?" The dR asked, i nodded, "ok your having a...little boy" he said smiling, "Yay!" Liam said, pulling me in for a hug, "im so happy" i said, i was completly lost for words, "uh how far am i along?" i asked, "um your 3 months along" he said smiling, "cool" i said smiling, "ok your free to go" he said smiling. I thanked him then drove home with Liam.

"Harry!" I yelled happily running into the hospital room, "Hey babe, how did it go?" he asked, "We're having a boy!" i yelled, "yay!" he yelled, i ran over to him and gave him a massive hug. "I love you Ash" he said, "I love you too" i said back smiling. "Uh Mum, can you please tell me what happened to dad" i said, "uh, honey, your father and I were having problems with our marrige and he had been going out an getting drunk and i only just found out he was taking drugs aswell, that why he went crazy" she said, "oh" was all i could say, "It's ok babe" Harry said holding my hand. "When can you be discharged?" i asked Harry, "He can go now" the Dr said from the door, "Yes!" Harry said getting up, "so tonight we are going to a club to celebrate our little man" Harry said walking out of the hospital like nothing happened, "Ahhh, Louis, I think he's still full of morphen" i said giggling, "Agreed" he said giggling with me. Tonight should be fun

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