pool party

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Ashley's POV

When Liam and i arrived, i looked around the room, oh my gosh, im the only other girl if you don't count the maid! "Babe, you alright?" Liam asked me, i must of looked stunned or something, "uh yeah, um Li im the only girl here apart from the maid" i whispered, Liam looked around the party and then nodded, "oh well we can still have fun" he said, he has a point, even if i am the only girl, we can still have loads of fun. People were diving in the pool, having alcholic drinks and talking to each other. "hey" we heard someone behind us, we turned around and i t was just Niall, "oh hey Niall,"i said, "so babe, are you going to have a swim, Louis asked coming up from behind me, "duh, of course i am" his eye's light up when i said that, i laughed at him the someone lifted me up and held me up while the boys took of my shorts and top leaving me in my bikini, "HARRY!" i yelled as he started taking me over toward the swimming pool, he was already only in shorts so, OH NO i new what that ment, "Harry! no!" i cried, "to bad babe, your going swimming either way" he said smirking. "WAIT!, Harry stop bro" someone said from behind him, he turned around and looked, "oh hey Ed,"he said casually, "um Harry what are you doing with that chick?" he asked confused, "oh Ed this is Ashley, Ashley this is Ed," he said while putting me down, i quickly said hi then ran to Louis, "LOUIS TOMLINSON! if you don't help me stay out of the water i will...make it so you can't have babies anymore" i whispered the last part, i felt him tense up. I saw Harry running towards me with a huge grin on his face, "now Ash your going to get it!" Harry yelled at me, but Louis stopped him, "thanks Lou, i guess your baby-making machine will last a little longer" i whispered to him, but as soon as i said that he turned around and grabbed me and handed me over to Harry. "LOUIS!!!" i yelled but he just smiled and waved as if he did'nt care, Harry took me to the waters edge and i was sooo desperate not to go in i grabbed his shoulders and wrapped my legs around his waist, but that was dumb of me, because Harry held onto me and jumped in himself with me still atached to me, "HARRY STYLES YOU ARE GOING TO GET IT!!!" i yelled but he went under and i felt someone grab me legs, "ekkk" i squeled,then i went under as Harry came up, hehe revenge so i swam between his legs and slapped his butt then swam away as quickly as i could.

Harry's POV

Ash swam underneath me and slapped my arse then swam away but before i could get her. Isaw her swimming along the bottem of the pool, Louis jumped in ontop of where she was, he grabbed her and then Liam, Niall and Zayn all joined in, "guys let go" she said, "no babe" Liam said, grr i still feel jealous when ever he holds her or calls her babe, it was starting to get dark and more people where drunk, Ashley was a bit tipsy but it did'nt bother her, i was heavily drunk and so was Liam,Niall and Louis, Zayn was driving.

Ashley's POV

I was tipsyand the rest of the boys except Zayn were very much drunk. I have been in and out of the pool many time now and everytime i have enjoyed it more. I have been with Liam for the night and he has just gone to get drinks so im sitting in the pool waiting, but i felt someone grab my hips, "hey babe" i knew who it was, "Harry what are you doing?" i asked, "i want you" um ok this is awkward, "uh Harry, no" i said, "c'mon babe" he whispered suductivly, but before i could answer a very drunk man came up behind me, "Harry help" i yelled as this man carried me inside, "ASH!" he yelled back, he dove forward to tryand catch the man but fell short, i was petrefied by now, what was he going to do. "ASH IM COMING" Harry yelled as i got carried inside, i lost sight of Harry and got carried upstairs, into a bedroom, "hey girl,"the man said, "let me go!" i yelled at him,i could smell alot of alchohol on his breath, he started to fiddle with my bikini top, but as he undid it, Harry burst into the room, still soaking with water, "Harry!" i yelled, he looked at me topless and then punched the guy in the face, te man yelled, and a bunch of other guys came in, "ill get her," "no ill get her" they were squabling about who was going to get me!. Before anyone could get me, Harry ran over and picked my top up and me up still topless might i add and started to run, he ran into the bathroom and locked the door, "Ash, put your top on and then we can go" he said while not facing me, so i put my top on then turned him around and smashed my lips into his, he was a little surprised at first but then kissed back. He broke apart from me and then picked me up and flung me over ihs shoulder, he opened te door to be greeted by a group of heavily drunk men, he jut pushed past them and then when we went back downstairs, he threw me into the pool then jumped in himself. I was so upset and scared i started crying Harry came up but Liam bet him to it, "shhh babe it's ok, what happened sweet" Liam asked, "a bunch of drunk men took me and started to strip me" i sobbed out, "oh ok well ill take you home" he said but he slurred his word so he got up and went to zayn who was trying to wake a passed out Niall up, "babe im sorry" Harry said to me before floating backward in one of those blow-up lilo's and pulling me with him, it was'ent big enough for both of us so i ended up laying ontop of him. "Ash, im sorry but no matter how you feel towards Liam, i love you and want you" Harry said, "Harry i love you to, but i feel bad just leaving Liam for you, but i guess he will understand, because Harry, i uh never told you but back when we were at highschool a couple of weeks ago i found out im pregnant, i did'nt tell you because i did'nt know how to." i was scared now, not knowing what his reactions were going to be, "wait so your pregnant, with my baby?" Harry asked, i could'nt tell what his feelings were, "uh yeah, and im due next month" i said, his face was looking surprised. "Uh Ash, i don't know what to say" a smile was spreeding over his face, "are you happy " i asked a bit worried, "Ash what do you mean, of course im happy we're having a baby!" he squeled excitedly, "shhhh!" i don't want everybody to know yet, haz we have to keep it quiet ok" he nodded and hugged me so tight, "oh and Harry, im going for the ultra sound on thursday", his smile grew wider, "can i come?" he asked, "no duh dimwit, your the daddy of course you can come" i said in a duh tone, but before he could say anything else, a pair of hands grabbed my waist and lifted me off Harry, "Li what are you doing?" i asked Liam who was picking me up, "babe Zayn's saying hurry up, we need to go" so i grabbed my clothes and got into the car in only my bikini clothes in hand but the car we were in last time was'ent here it was a smaller one, so it could'nt fit all of us, "uh Ash can you sit on Harry's lap please" Zayn said, not asked told, so i got out and let Harry in then got in and climbed onto his lap, Liam got in beside Harry and i, I held his hand and i felt Harry tense up behind me. When we got home, i got out, freezing my butt off, and ran straight into the shower. After having a nice hot shower, washing and drying my hair, i put on an crop-top that hangs of my shoulder, and a pair of pj shorts and went downstairs. When i got down there, Harry was standing in the kitchen in only a towel, "hey you want a coffee?" he asked me, "uh sure why not" i said back i went and sat on the couch waiting for my coffee. Harry walked over with our coffee's and sat down beside me, still only in a towel. "Harry, i think tonight we should tell the boys im pregnant" i said, he nodded and agreed.


Someone was banging on the door. I got up and went to it, when i opened it, an older woman was standing there. "um hello" i said, "hi, im brittiny, im here for Harry" she said, "oh ok" i said about to turn around, a baby bump had started forming so now you could tell i was pregnant. "Oh wait, your Ashley right?" she asked i nodded, "oh. Wait are you pregnant," she asked, i nodded and was about to tell her it was Harry's but Harry jumped up and ran over. "ASH! step away from the door!" he yelled at me, so i did and Harry ran up and glared at Brittiny before slamming the door in her face. "HARRY!" i yelled, "what, are you hurt did she hurt you?" he asked sounding very frazzled, "no, Harry, whats going on?" i asked. "Babe, Brittiny is my X-girlfriend, after i broke up with her i got another girlfriend, Brittiny got so jealous and angry of her. One night My old friend Robbie asked me to look after his new born baby for a night and Brittiny thought it was mine so she killed it and my girlfriend, and i was left with no body, thats why i as freaking out when you opened the door because i don't want to lose you or the baby" Harry explained the whole thing. "whh whh what" i stutered out, i could'nt believe what just happened. "babe, im sorry i did'nt tell you sooner, it's just that i hoped that i would never see her again. she carries a knife around in her pocket so i was scared" Harry said, "oh my gosh, who does that." i said


"Harry" i said, "it's ok" he said back. He walked toward the door and opened it to Brittiny, "what do you want Brittiny?" he asked harshly, "just wondering if that is your girlfriend and is that your baby?" she asked, "im not telling" Harry said twice as harsh as last time. "Anything else Brittiny?" he asked, "yeah, can i talk to Ashley, privatly for a moment?" she asked sweetly, "if you want to talk to   Ash then you talk to her infront of me" Harry said, "fine," she said as she walked in closer to me. "Ashley... i" she said befroe grabbing me and attempting to drag me out to her car, but before she forced me into her car a big pair of hands grabbed my arms and pulled me into their grasp, "Brittiny if you don't leave me alone i will get a restraining order for you" Harry said before, pulling me back up to the house. "oh my gosh!" i said before running up into my room and fainting on my bedroom floor. I heard a distant voice yelling my name, it was Harry but i just let myself fall out of consiousness.

Harry's POV

I followed Ashley upstairs and then found her passed out on her bedroom floor. I got up and called Louis,


(H=Harry, L=Louis)

L: hello

H: Louis it's Harry, get home as quick as you can

L:Harry whats happened mate?

H: Louis, Ash has fainted in her bedroom!

end of phonecall

5 minute's later i heard the front door open and Louis ran into Ash's bedroom, "Harry go and get a cup of cold water quickly!" he yelled at me, so i got up and got the water, when i came back with it Louis poured it over Ash's head, "LOUIS!" i yelled, "*cough cough*" Ash started coughing and spluttering, "ASH!" Louis yelled then pulled her onto his lap and craddled her like a baby, "Louis, im pregnant"

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