boys, we need to talk.

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Ashley's POV

"Louis im pregnant"... After i told Louis i was pregnant a huge smile crept across his face, "YAY, im going to be and uncle!!!" Louis yelled at the top of his lungs, "is Hazza going to be a daddy?" Louis asked, Harry nodded and Louis gave him a huge cuddle. "Louis can you please call the rest of the boys for me?" i asked Louis, he ran downstairs and five minutes later everyone came into my room. "boys Harry and i need to tell you something" i said, the boys faces looked worried, i looked at Harry for help, "uh guys, Ash is pregnant" Harry said, a smile crept across everyone faces except Liams, "excuse me, i need to go to the bathroom" Liam said before getting up and leaving. I looked at Harry and he nodded, then i got up and followed Liam out into the lounge room, "Liam wait!" i yelled at him down the stairs, he stopped and turned around to face me. "What Ashley" he said harshly, "Liam, it happened about 3 weeks ago, before we broke up and before i was with you, i only found out last week" i said hoping he would believe me, "Ash, i thought we had something. I love you but you don't love me" he said, i burst out crying and sat on the stairs, Liam immediatly ran to my side and pulled me into him. "Liam, i can't do it, i want to be friends with you, i don't want to lose my best friend" i cried to him, "shhhh Ash im sorry, i will always love you and you hav'ent lost me, i will always be there for you" he said. We got up and went back into the bedroom, "congratulations!" all the boys yelled then gave me a huge hug, "uh boys, this probably is'nt good for the baby" i mumbled out because i was struggling to breathe. "yeah" all of the boys said then pulled off.

Liam's POV

Im really happy for Ash, but i just wish it was with me, instead of Harry, he keeps hurting her!

Harry's POV

We were in the middle of talking about the baby, when my phone rang, "sorry guys" i said as i got up and went into the lounge. 


m=managment    H=Harry


M: hi, Harry it's managment

H: oh hi,

M: Harry you need to come to LA 

H: what!! why!?

M: we need to talk to you, your private jet leaves in 2 hours hurry up!




oh no, Ash is not going to take this well. I think her baby bump is to big to only be a couple of weeks old, more like a couple of months old!. I went back into the room, "uh Ash can italk to you for a moment?" please please please, she nodded and got up and walked into the lounge, "babe, i need to fly to LA in two hours" i said. Tear were welling up in her eyes but she managed not to let them fall, "Harry, the ultrasound is tomorrow, you can't leave" she said, a tear had now dribbled down from he eyes, "im sorry Ash but i need to go and pack" was the last thing i said to her, before walking away, i heard her brake down so i turned around and ran back to her, "shhhhh babe, shhhhhh im sorry, i can't get out of this. but you know i love you and that will never change" i said then i pulled her into a hug. She nodded, and said "Harry, i love you too, but you need to go and i understand that" she said before shoeing me away.

Ashley's POV

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THIS BOY!!!!! im pregnant with his baby, the first time i get to see it is tomorrow an he is flying to LA!!!!!, oh well, Liam will come with me, actually they will all want to come with me. I walked back up to the room still crying and i ran into Louis arms, "shhhh Ashy-poo, what happened" she said, "Harry's going to LA in two hours, the ultra-sound is tomorrow and know the dad can't be there" i sobbed into Louis' chest, "Ash, we are all going to come so don't worry" he said, i nodded, "anyway it's getting late so we need to go but Liam is going to stay with you alright" Louis said, so i got up and then they all said there goodbyes before leaving. "babe, are you alright?" Liam asked me, "Li, im worried that he is going to cheat on me again, and if he does, i don't want to give him another chance" i said, "it's alright, anyway we should get some sleep" he said, i nodded and got into my pj's then got into bed. I felt Liam get in beside me, "nite nite Li" i whispered, "nite nite beautiful" he whispered back before we both fell asleep.

I woke up in the morning, very excited. "liam!!!!!!" i yelled as i climbed on top of him and shoke him awake, "im up im up" he groaned, "cmon, the ultrasound is happening at 9 and its 8:30!!" i yelled, he immediatly got up and called the bays, i got dressed and then we all headed to the docters.

At the docters,

"ok, so you are very far along, your due two weeks from now" the docter told me, "wow, i thought i was only a couple of days along" i said, "no but do you want to know what genger it is?" he asked me, i looked at Liam, then Louis, then Zayn and then Niall, "uh yes please" i said, "ok well your going to have a wee girl" the docter said, "oh my gosh, Liam", i said as i started to cry, "it's ok, it's amazing, your having a little girl" he said happily, "ok well you two will be great parents i think" the docter said, "oh no, im not the father" Liam said sadly, "oh im sorry, you two look like you would be a cute couple, but ill go and get your photo's" he said then walked out, "OH MY GOSH, WE"RE HAVING A GIRL!!!!" Louis yelled at the top of his lungs, "hahaha, Lou, your not having a baby, i am!" i said jokingly, "oh right, well im going to be an uncle!" he said. Then the docter walked back into the room, "here are your pictures" he said and then dismissed me.

When we arrived home i saw i had got the magiziene i wanted, OH MY GOSH, Harry was on the front cover lip-locking with some girl!. I burst into tears, "Babe what wrong?" Liam asked, I showed im the magiziene and he just hugged me. I went and got into bed and slept.

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